My Father's Business
by Barbara Philbrook

I go about my Father's business day after day,
writing out the words He has me say.

Nothing could make me happier than to do my Father's will,
even if I could change things I'd do this still.

I want everyone to grasp what I now know,
that they have a say in where they will eventually will go.

That they are loved and are precious in God's sight,
and that no matter what He will make it all right.

There is no depth into which He will not reach,
there is no chasm too wide for Him to breech.

Every sin can be covered by the blood Jesus lost,
everything paid for as He hung on the cross.

I try to share with everyone what God's done for me,
and to reveal how He loves us all equally.

Good feelings and the knowledge that I am loved,
are added pleasures to the assurance we can spend eternity above.

We each have a choice we must make,
what God is offering or what Satan will take.

I strive to point others in the right direction,
so they too will make the life saving selection.

My Father's Business is my greatest endeavor,
I'll give Him Praise now and forever and ever.

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