My Heart Is Bursting
by Barbara Philbrook

My heart is bursting so great is Your love.
Thank You Father for sending it from above.

My heart was heavy for I had hurt another.
One I never met, we've never seen each other.

It was not my intention, it was an accident you see.
They misunderstood a message from me.

If I allowed the pain I felt to take control,
I would fear driving away that poor soul.

But Your love is so great I needn't fear.
I know You hold that poor soul very dear.

I can't say what the remedy will be,
but I know for sure You heard my plea.

Thank You Father for Your loving conviction.
I know You can salvage any affliction.

Thank You for Your unconditional love,
and thank You for accepting our troubles above.

Thank You for relieving the pain,
and for also alleviating my shame.

My heart is bursting with love from You.
I'm assured You love the other person too!

Their pain will be lifted, I believe this is true,
and I wish to offer honor and glory to You!

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