My Mama Prayed
by Barbara Philbrook

My Mama prayed that I would get right,
she petitioned God both day and night.

She prayed I'd surrender and become straight,
before all was lost because it was too late.

She never gave up, she stood tall,
and no matter how deep I sunk she loved me through it all.

She loved me despite my imperfections,
and was never deterred by my rejections.

She called out to God claiming promises He's made,
she knew she could claim them due to the price Jesus paid.

My Mama prayed till I finally saw the light,
having a Mama who loves you is such a delight.

I know I can make it, Jesus assures this is true,
He will give me the strength to see me through.

I needn't worry if I should stumble or fall,
because my Savior is there in case I call.

But I have one more thing in my favor you see,
I am blessed with a Mama who prays for me.

Instead of accusations or giving me a slap,
my Mama prayed filling in the gap.

Today I am blessed to be able to say,
I've seen the light and am on my way.

I'm glad my Mama's love for me was so strong,
even though I was continually doing wrong.

I have so much to Thank Jesus for today,
not least of all that my Mama prayed.

God is the potter, I but the clay,
having intercession by a Mama who prayed.

Now I am bcoming a vessel for His use,
because my Mama prayed so long and profuse.         

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