My New Years Prayer
by Barbara Philbrook

The hustle and bustle are over. This Christmas is now a thing of the past,
but the memories and happiness are something that shall last and last!

Under the trees is barren and bare,
no longer are the pretty packages piled neatly there.

The meal so lovingly tended and set out before you,
has been devoured and the leftovers are but a few.

Children are all resting exhausted after so much glee,
the dog is sitting beside you his chin laying on your knee.

The seeking and searching for the perfect gifts are done,
ahh but don't relax too much, soon next years search will have begun.

While we are reflecting on the memories that are part of this Holiday,
may we resolve to make the New Year better for others in some way.

As we think up this years resolution,
may we seek God's guidance so that we find a solution.

A solution to the problems that already exist in life,
a way to help others and relieve their strife.

There is so much sadness, sickness and heavy despair,
Lord I present to You my New Years Prayer.

Lord is there any small thing I can do or say,
to relieve the hurt of another in any way.

Can I lighten the burden causing them fear or pain,
can I remind them of your love once again.

I am just a person wanting bring relief to a sister or brother,
wanting to relieve the burdens carried by another...

But I know that in the end the relief comes from you,
so I offer them up in prayer as you've taught me to do.

Wipe their tears relieve their fears, lessen their pain.
Renew their faith in You again.

These are the requests I offer to You,
and I send You praise for all the good in 99 You'll do.

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