My Strength and Refuge
by Barbara Philbrook

My strength and refuge during the storms of life,
or during trials, temptations or simply daily strife.

Is my loving Savior whom I accepted into my heart,
and I am assured He will never depart.

No longer overcome by sadness during trials you see,
because I know my Savior stands beside me.

No longer tempted beyond what I can bear,
because when I call, my Savior will always hear.

I can not be lied to and told I am unworthy,
I know my Savior has suffered and died for me.

No mountain is too high because I do not climb it alone,
My God is forever and my strength is His own.

Sickness and pain shall be healed by His stripes,
so I have nothing about which to moan or gripe.

I have not been given a spirit of fear,
instead faith and confidence is what does appear.

My strength and refuge are gifts you see,
that my loving Father provides for me.

I have been given enough to get me through,
and if you invite Him in you will have enough too.

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