Royal Lineage

* Hohenzolleoa-Hohi *

Hohnstein, Count Albrecht of (b.1286)

Hohnstein, Count Bernhard of (b.1280)

Hohnstein, Count Bernhard of (b.1305)

Hohnstein, Count Bernhard of (b.1327)

Hohnstein, Count Dietrich II of (b.1202)

Hohnstein, Count Dietrich of (b.1303)

Hohnstein, Count Dietrich VI of (b.1330)

Hohnstein, Count Elger I of (b.1149)

Hohnstein, Count Elger of (b.1259)

Hohnstein, Count Elger of (b.1264)

Hohnstein, Count Elger II of (b.1175)

Hohnstein, Count Elger of (b.1289)

Hohnstein, Count Elger of (b.1398)

Hohnstein, Count Friedrich of (b.1179)

Hohnstein, Count Gunther of (b.1304)

Hohnstein, Count Gunther of (b.1367)

Hohnstein, Count Heinrich I of (b.1233)

Hohnstein, Count Heinrich of (b.1329)

Hohnstein, Count Hermann of (b.1396)

Hohnstein, Count Johann of (b.1282)

Hohnstein, Count Johann of (b.1284)

Hohnstein, Count Ludwig of (b.1285)

Hohnstein, Count Ludwig of (b.1325)

Hohnstein, Count Odo of (b.1295)

Hohnstein, Count Otto of (b.1288)

Hohnstein, Count Otto of (b.1328)

Hohnstein, Count Otto of (b.1397)

Hohnstein, Count Siegfried of (b.1278)

Hohnstein, Count Ulrich I of (b.1281)

Hohnstein, Count Ulrich II of (b.1291)

Hohnstein, Count Ulrich III of (b.1323)

Hohnstein, Count Ulrich of (b.1375)

Hohnstein, Princess Agnes of (b.1292)

Hohnstein, Princess Agnes of (b.1335)

Hohnstein, Princess Agnes of (b.1360)

Hohnstein, Princess Agnes of (b.1403)

Hohnstein, Princess Anna of (b.1415)

Hohnstein, Princess Anna of

Hohnstein, Princess Barbara of (b.1487)

Hohnstein, Princess Bertrada of (b.1154)

Hohnstein, Princess Christiane of (b.1227)

Hohnstein, Princess Christiane of (b.1334)

Hohnstein, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1288)

Hohnstein, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1300)

Hohnstein, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1324)

Hohnstein, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1380)

Hohnstein, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1381)

Hohnstein, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1405)

Hohnstein, Princess Hedwig of (b.1238)

Hohnstein, Princess Hedwig of (b.1261)

Hohnstein, Princess Hedwig of (b.1293)

Hohnstein, Princess Jutta of (b.1235)

Hohnstein, Princess Jutta of (b.1262)

Hohnstein, Princess Jutta of (b.1294)

Hohnstein, Princess Lukard of (b.1260)

Hohnstein, Princess Luthardis of (b.1298)

Hohnstein, Princess Lutrade of (b.1265)

Hohnstein, Princess Lutrud of (b.1299)

Hohnstein, Princess Lutrud of (b.1382)

Hohnstein, Princess Margarete of (b.1406)

Hohnstein, Princess Margarethe of (b.1408)

Hohnstein, Princess Margarethe of (b.1463)

Hohnstein, Princess Mathilde of (b.1285)

Hohnstein, Princess Mechtild of (b.1256)

Hohnstein, Princess Mechtild of (b.1287)

Hohnstein, Princess Mechtild of (b.1367)

Hohnstein, Princess Oda of (b.1257)

Hohnstein, Princess Oda of (b.1276)

Hohnstein, Princess Richza of (b.1332)

Hohnstein, Princess Sophie of (b.1236)

Hohnstein, Princess Sophie of (b.1266)

Hohnstein, Princess Sophie of (b.1283)

Hohnstein, Princess Sophie of (b.1300)

Hohnstein, Princess Sophie of (b.1303)

Hohnstein, Princess Walburg of (b.1465)

Hohnstein-Heldrungen, Count Ernst of (b.1409)

Hohnstein-Heldrungen, Count Ulrich V of (b.1427)

Hohnstein-Heringen, Count Dietrich V of (b.1297)

Hohnstein-Heringen, Count Dietrich VI of (b.1349)

Hohnstein-Heringen, Count Dietrich VIII of (b.1377)

Hohnstein-Heringen, Count Dietrich IX of (b.1379)

Hohnstein-Kelbra, Count Heinrich VI of (b.1379)

Hohnstein-Kelbra, Count Ulrich III of (b.1354)

Hohnstein-Kelbra, Princess Agnes of (b.1400)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Dietrich II of (b.1258)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Dietrich III of (b.1294)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Elger of (b.1502)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Ernst II of (b.1361)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Ernst IV of (b.1440)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Heinrich II of (b.1279)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Heinrich IV of (b.1302)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Heinrich V of (b.1330)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Heinrich X of (b.1362)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Heinrich XI of (b.1402)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Heinrich of (b.1505)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Heinrich XIII of (b.1508)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Count Johann IV of (b.1485)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Duke Eberwin of

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Duke Ernst V of (b.1477)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Duke Ernst VI of

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Duke Volkmar of

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Duke Wilhelm III of

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Anna of

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Anna of (b.1500)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Anna of (b.1478)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1365)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Irmgard of (b.1333)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Katharina of

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Katharina of (b.1465)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Magdalena of (b.1475)

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Maria of

Hohnstein-Klettenberg, Princess Martha of

Hohnstein-Lohra, Count Ernst III of (b.1411)

Hohnstein-Sondershausen, Count Dietrich IV of (b.1289)

Hohnstein-Sondershausen, Count Heinrich of (b.1268)

Hohnstein-Sondershausen, Count Heinrich III of (b.1290)

Hohnstein-Sondershausen, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1330)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Count Bernhard of (b.1467)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Count Johann II of

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Count Martin of (b.1490)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Count Wilhelm II of (b.1489)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Count Wolfgang of (b.1469)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Princess Katharina of (b.1491)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Princess Margarete of (b.1493)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Princess Maria of (b.1494)

Hohnstein-Vierraden, Princess Sibylle of (b.1497)

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