Malorie's Story

Here is our story:

When i(Belinda) found out that I was pregnant with our angel. I was so scared i didnt know the first thing to do so i told my parents. They werent happy but asked me what i wanted to do so i told them that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with mark. So they told us that we could get married.

So on the 4th of June we got married. We moved down to Waseca to live with Mark's parents. We both started to look for jobs and I was getting enrolled in the local high school. Finally in July Mark got a job. On the 4th of July at 1:30 my water broke.So mark called the emergency room and they told him to bring me in. The doctor on call sent me by ambulence to Rochester Methodist Hospital so I could be checked out. When we got there I was laying in my fluid, they told me that my water had ruptured and that there was barely any fluid in bag. They asked me if I was having any contractions I told them that I wasn't having anything. So when Mark showed up with his mom and they told us that the baby was fine, they also told us that if I started to have any contractions that they would have to stop them. Well at 6:00am they came in to put in an IV.Mark had left the room cause they asked him to. After they got the iv in they told mark that he could come back in to the room. So then Mark called my mom and she talked to me and told me that they would be coming down. They got there 5 hours later. I was so drowsy that first day I can't remember much of anything. I do remeber the doctors that came in to talk to me they where Dr. Assay and Dr. Derleth. That same night my parents went home and told me that thye would be down on the 16th of july. But the next day they came and took me up to the big ultra sound machine to look and see if the baby was doing good, they told me that the baby was fine except there was no fluid. Well I was in the hospital for three weeks and two of the weeks I was laying on my head basically(trandelenberg), it was worth it though. The doctos told me that if i went into labor that I would have a c-section. Well on the 16th my parents came down and my dad was joking with me and told me that if he would have known I wasn't going to have a baby they wouldn't have came down. Well that same day my parents got a hotel room and Lisa and Kimi all came down to see me and they all rented rooms at the hotel. Well that night I got moved back up stairs to the 4th floor. Well my doctor was on call that whole night. Well I had really bad heart burn and I thought nothing of it. Well the next morning I started to bleed a little again and started to have contractions again so they moved me back downstairs and we left my stuff upstairs cause I figured I would be back up there again anyways well they turned up the Magnesium Sulfate and that didn't help so they called the doctor that was on call and she came and checked me and said that I was 2 centimeters dialated and 90% efaced. Well I started having contractions at 12:00 noon and at about 9:30pm I got something to eat because they had slowed down. Well then they had stopped but then about 10:15 they came back even worse then before. So they called my doctor which was Dr. Meyer and he said that he would be right in and then they decided that I must have got an infection and they had to take Malorie at the time we didnt know if we were having a boy or girl. I was so scared so I asked the nurse if she would be in there with me and if Mark could come in with me they told me that he could. Well they had to do a spinal and I was so scared they also made me drink this icky stuff and they had to put a catheter in me. Well I was being numbed from the spinal and it didnt hurt it felt like bee sting or when something bites you. Well anyways at 12:01 am I gave birth to a 15 week premature girl who we named Malorie Marie Mlenek. They let everyone see her before they transfered her to the NICU at the St. Mary's Hospital where my sweet angel would spend two months and a day.

While she was in the hospital she went through many different stages. The first one being on a ventilator and under billirubin lights, which she was in that stage for about a week. The next stage lasted for about 2-3 weeks and it was with her still under the billi lights and now on c-paps. The third stage lasted about 2 weeks and was with her still on the c-paps but now in an isolette(which you can see a picture of the isolette by clicking here). The fourth stage was her still in an isolette but now on a nasal canyal and she was like this for about 2 and a half weeks. The fifth and sixth stages were what concluded her stay at the hospital and these stages were with her moving into a bassinet and into the feeding and growing room. She was still on the nasal canyal during the fifth stage but was working her way off of it and into the sixth stage which is breathing on her own. These two stages also consisted of starting on a bottle and getting off the feeding tube which she was on since the day she was born until two days before she came home. She was able, to come home on the 19th of September.

When she came home on the 19th we where so happy. We thought oh good she is home and now we can start living with our little girl, little did we know that three weeks after she was home SIDS would take my sweet baby from me. The three weeks that she was home we enjoyed her and loved her. We brought her up to see my parents and my whole family. We went up there three weekends and we were making plans to move in with my parents so I could go back to school and be able to get off on paying nothing for daycare. The third weekend we went up there we had fun my mom enjoyed her so much and that gave me and her daddy a break because I wasn't feeling good and she had kept me up all night. Well that day I took a nap and my mom and Mark had laid Malorie down for her daily nap and when I walked by I said something really quiet to my mom and she woke up and started to cry so I picked her up and she quieted down right away. Well we came back home and it took us till 4:30am to finally get her to sleep and then she was up again at 7:30 for her feeding and that is the last time I seen my sweet precious Malorie alive. When I woke up at 8:49 we found her laying there so limp but still warm I called her name and she didn't answer me or open her eyes or nothing so i handed her to her daddy and I went and called 911 and all I could say was "My baby is dead," and they told me that it would be okay that the police are on there way and with in 2 minutes cops and other people started to arrive. They revived her to what they thought was okay and transporeted her, to the Waseca Memorial Hospital and there is where she was pronounced dead. She was pronounced dead at 9:30am. I called everybody and with in matter of hours people started to bring food and stuff. That night my parents came down and the next day we went to make the funeral arrangments. Malorie was layed to rest on the 15th of October.

Now my angel baby plays in Heaven
love ya
Malorie, my angel
Mommy and Daddy,Abigail,John