Glenda's Room

Hello my name is Glenda. I am the oldest in the family. I was born in August of 1978. I am now almost twenty and have a two year old daughter, named Taylor.

I live in a small city called Brockville, Ontario. You might have heard about it this year as we were in the middle of all those ice storms that hit eastern Ontario. We were without hydro for eight days. What a treat. No heat, hydro and everything else.

This is a picture of myself and my daughter Taylor taken last October.

Well now you have seen my pride and joy. I will tell you about some of my interests. My first one is of course my daughter. I also love to draw and am pretty talented. I draw pictures of cartoon people and animals. I like Mickey Mouse. He is about my most favorite to draw. I am also an animal lover and hate to see any animals suffering. I have had many cats and dogs growing up. Right now however I do not have any pets. Well lets say things change and now I have a ferret. We had to get rid of my ferret as he bit me and almost took the tip of my fingure off. That was pretty scarey let me tell you. My daughter convinced me to get another kitten just recently. We have called him tinkie winkie. He is a cute little devil. He originally came from a farm. He has turned into a real nice house cat however.

This is a picture of my brother and myself at the zoo when we were young children. This is our first visit to a zoo. Loved it a whole lot.

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