Star Trek

"Trekkie Page"

Captains of Star TrekStar Trek-First Contact Poster
Enterprize-D Animated Graphic

This site is my dedication to the Star Trek universe. On this site, I plan to have links to other great Star Trek Sites, Resources, etc..., and to post pictures and sound clips from all the Star Trek shows and movies. My favorite Star Trek series and crew are the crew from The Next Generation. Data and CPT Picard are by far my favorites, but I like all of them. I would then have to rank The Original Series next. CPT Kirk and Spock are the ones that started it all. I still enjoy watching the re-runs in sindication. The latest series, Voyager, would come in third and DS9 last. Voyager took a great boosting when they acquired Seven of Nine. It will be interesting to see how they end the series this year. Will the crew ever make it back to Earth. I only got interested in DS9 a little bit towards the end, because they were too stationary during the beginning of the series. Then they got the USS Defiant and started exploring through the Worm Hole and the show got more interesting from there. DS9 also took a turn for the better when CMDR Worf joined the crew, but I was sad to see Jadzia Dax go. It is strange how you attach yourself to charactors of a TV show or movie.

Here are some of my favorite Star Trek links. All of these sites offer good graphics, sound clips and much, much more. If you are any kind of "Trekkie", you will enjoy all of them.

Main Engineering Logo


Star Trek In Sound and Vision

Here is a listing of other Star Trek web sites that have caught my interest.

ST Comm Badge Star Trek - WWW
ST Comm Badge Star Trek - The Next Generation
ST Comm Badge Luca Sambucci's Best of Star Trek
ST Comm Badge Welcome to the Voyage
ST Comm Badge NASA - Science of Star Trek
ST Comm Badge Star Trek - The Original Series
ST Comm Badge Star Trek Enterprise
ST Comm Badge Red Alert - Star Trek The Next Generation
ST Comm Badge Star Trek Voyager - Starfleet Database
ST Comm Badge Star Trek - Starfleet Headquarters Experience
ST Comm Badge Scottfleet Command
ST Comm Badge Federation News Network

USS Enterprise - NCC 1701

Star Trek Crew - The Original Series

Click HERE for a picture of the crew together

Captain James Tiberius Kirk Mr Spock Doctor Leonard McCoy
Chief Engineer Montgomery (Scotty) Scott Ensign Pavel A Checkov Lt Kikaru Sulu Lt Uhura

Star Trek - The Next Generation Logo

Star Trek Crew - The Next Generation

Click HERE for a picture of the crew together

Captain Jean-Luc Picard Commander William T. Riker Lt Commander Data
Doctor Beverly Crusher Counselor Deanna Troi Lt Worf Lt Commander Geordi LaForge Chief of Security (Late) Natasha Yar Guinan

Star Trek - Deep Space Nine

Star Trek Crew - Deep Space Nine

Click HERE for a picture of the crew together

Captain Benjamin Sisko Major Kira Nerys Constable Odo Lt Commander Worf
Doctor Julian Bashir Chief Engineer Miles O'Brien Quark Lt Ezri Dax Lt (Late) Judzia Dax

Star Trek - Voyager

Star Trek Crew - Voyager

Click HERE for a picture of the crew together

Captain Kathryn Janeway Commander Chakotay Lt Commander Tuvok Chief Engineer B'leanna Torres
Ensign Harry Kim Lt Tom Paris Seven of Nine Holographic Doctor Neelix (Late) Kes

Click here to see my collection of Star Trek Plates celebrating 30 years of Star Trek and all the series. The plates were distributed by the Hamilton Collection. Each of the plates are numbered on the back and signed by the artist. I almost missed one of the plates and had to call the company to make sure I received all the plates in sequence. Star Trek Plates.
Star Trek Screenthemes Wallpaper and Screensaver Manager Sample View of High Res Pictures form Screenthemes Screen Shot of Star Trek Screenthemes
This is one of the best program's regarding backgrounds, wallpapers and screensavers that I have found and they have Star Trek packs, to boot. They have high resolution pictures from each of the series and movies and still keep adding more. The actual program is free to download, which comes with a sample pack. All you do from there is purchase photo packs in groups of 6 or 12. Each pack contains 18 to 24 pictures that you can set to randomly rotate as your background and wallpaper. Check it out. A plus for Star Trek fans; however, they have numerous other packs besides Star Trek to choose from.

Starfleet Headquarters LogoFederation Logo
Picard and Riker Picture: ST - First Contact

Here are some photographs of the USS Enterprise and other Federation Ships:

USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A (Above)
USS Enterprise NCC 1701 (Next to Star)
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A (Under)
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A and Klingon Battle Cruiser
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A & B
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E Under
USS Excelsior
USS Defiant
USS Voyager NCC 74656 near a Sun or Star
USS Voyager NCC 74656

Here are some photographs from Star Trek - First Contact:

Personnel on Bridge of USS 1701-E
LCDR WORF on damaged Defiant
CAPT PICARD and LCDR DATA on Bridge of USS 1701-E
CAPT PICARD and crew searching the USS 1701-E
CAPT PICARD and crew searching for Borg
The Borg
LCDR TROI - Behind the Scenes
CMDR RIKER - The Director

Here are some photographs from Star Trek - Insurrection:

Star Trek Insurrection Crew
Capt Jean-Luc Picard
Picard Sitting at his Desk
Picard in Dress Uniform
Dr Crusher examining LaForge
Crew on Mountain in Defense
Crusher, Data and Troi
Picard and Crusher with Phasers
Picard and Worf on Shuttle
Picard, Data and Worf Firing Phasers
Picard and Anij
Picard with Phaser
Data feeling Riker's Shaven Chin
Riker and Troi
Riker and Troi Kissing
Riker in Charge of the Enterprise under Attack
Deanna Troi with Phaser
Skin Stretching Technique
Picard and Enterprise Photo
Movie Poster Photo

"Star Trek and its trademark are copyrighted by Paramount Studios"
This site is neither endorsed by or affiliated with Paramount Studios or the Star Trek franchise.
This site is purely a fan site and a dedication to the history and fascination that Star Trek has brought to all fans.