The contents you are looking for have moved. You will be redirected to the new location automatically in 5 seconds. Please bookmark the correct page at Pauline's Homepages.East Anglian genealogy plus Norfolk dialect wav file.Also research in Scotland,Ireland,Cheshire.

Pauline's Pages

union flag

Pauline 1943!

"GeoCities will close later this year.Why is GeoCities not accepting new customers? We have decided to discontinue the process of allowing new customers to sign up for GeoCities accounts as we focus on helping our customers explore and build new relationships online in other ways. We will be closing GeoCities later this year."

I have been with GeoCities since 1997 and it is time to move on.

My Geocities URL was:

This is now changed to:

Thank you for visiting my page. I hope you will find something of use and of interest.

My main areas of research are: Norfolk,Suffolk,Cambridgeshire,Cheshire,Ireland and Scotland.

door gifMy Summary Page
Apart from the names I am researching, it includes
many links to all of the above Counties - not only
in a genealogical sense but of general interest too.


This page contains family trees produced on the program WEBGED. You will find trees for:ALDERSON,BAKER,DODD, BRACKEN,BINGE/BYNGE,HOBSON,HOLMES and TUTTLE/TUTHILL...I will be adding more.It has been brought to my notice that I have not given acknowledgement to Marie-Christine Frost for the picture on the ALDERSON page, I do so now.

smiley animatedMy Norfolk Dialect Page
This came about when I realised that many American,
Canadian and Australian etc. "transplants" had no
idea of the special way that their ancestors spoke.
(some of us still do!!)
I have provided a couple of minutes of dialect on a wav. file kindly performed by Keith Skipper,a well known and highly respected Norfolk "lad" who has written many books on his beloved Norfolk.

Some will think of it as nostalgia and the others will wonder what the heck it is all about!
Once again, more links to sites of interest.

norfolk coat of armsMy Norfolk Research Page

My Norfolk research has got a bit too much for the summary page and has been given a page of it's own.There is much here for the Norfolk researcher whether or not they are interested in my names.Many useful links which perhaps only a "Norfolk Dumpling" would track down. The old City of Norwich? Nelson? Norfolk Punch? Edith Cavell?....and many many more.

norfolk coat of armsNorfolk Dictionary

A few phrases and words from the Dialect. Most from Keith Skipper's book "Larn Yarself Norfolk". Also Nursery Rhymes and some Norfolk Recipes.

soldierMy Norfolk to Gallipoli Page
Edward James Tuttle(Teddie)My great uncle, this is
his Historical Biography. It will give you an idea of
what it was like to be part of an Agricultural Labourer's
family in Norfolk in the late Victorian and Early Georgian
era.Also, for those interested in WW1,the story of a
young man who went from the very centre of the Norfolk
Countryside to a strange place called..... Gallipoli.......

Great Yarmouth coat of armsGreat Yarmouth Girls High School
Great Yarmouth Girls High School page. I went there from 1951 until 1957.For six years I travelled from Gorleston to Yarmouth, which consisted of a bus drive and a long walk. The year I left they changed the school to a new one..where?? about 500 yards from my home in Gorleston! c'est la vie!The old school carried on under a different name but then was razed to the ground. If any one has photos I would love to see them.

rowThe Rows of Great Yarmouth
Anyone who has researched ancestors in Great Yarmouth
will have, at some time, come across "The Rows". This
page tells you what they were,why they were,and gives
delightful names to the boring numbers on census sheets!

marketNorfolk Picture Gallery
This is a new page for which I am trying to get old and interesting Norfolk pictures. I will keep adding to it.Each picture has it's own page so there is less time waiting for a million pictures to load..just pick the one you want. I will be adding to them all the time.

darby's HardDarby's Hard Gorleston

Darby's Hard is a very small section of land near the mouth of the River Yare on the Gorleston side , extending a short distance along the bank above the high water mark and below the foot of the cliff - a strip of ground about 12 yards wide, along which Riverside Road runs. The people of Gorleston associate the area in the vicinty as being Darby's Hard. It was here that , for many years, boats were either mended or completely broken up.>

fishingboat gifThe Fishing Industry, 1952

In the summer of 1952, one young scholar was given the task of producing a thesis on a local industry during the school holidays. He was a boarder at The Norwich School, Norfolk, England. The majority of his fellow school mates chose the shoe industry, which, at the time, was a very flourishing industry in Norfolk. He came from Great Yarmouth and his heart was with the sea, and the local industry in Great Yarmouth was herring fishing.


W.E.Mayes 1861 - 1952. Artist.Founder member of Yarmouth and Gorleston Art Society and was Vice President.

If you don't have a great deal of time then perhaps this website searcher will help you.


update11th January, 2009






Genes Reunited - Retrace your family tree;

Summary Dialect Gallipoli Binge Pages The Rows Norfolk Research Great Yarmouth Girls High School