Kindred Spirits



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There are some very special friends in my life who are truly Kindred Spirits.  Some are close by and I see almost daily, while others are so many miles away that I may never have the opportunity to see them, but they are still just as precious to me.

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My "Bestest" Friend Debbie lives just 5 blocks from me.  We have been friends for 16 years!  Wow does time ever fly! 
Her oldest daughter Jen was 2 when we met and now she is 18. That boggles my mind! 
I can't get through a day without talking to her one the phone at least a dozen times or more, LOL  
I can see us in our old age sitting in rocking chairs stuffing our faces with Girl Scout Cookies, LOL.  (Private Joke, you had to be there.) 
Our husbands met when they worked together and Gary invited us over for dinner, we have been together ever since. 
I think one of the things that make our friendship so special is the fact that our husbands are just as close. 
I love her kids as if they were my own! 
The Aube's are much more then friends...they are family!!!  We love you guys so much!!!

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Lisa is another friend that I treasure greatly!  I met her online about 3 years ago and we have talked almost daily via ICQ and email.  I even got the wonderful opportunity to meet her when Ken and I went on a trip to Cancun and we had a layover close to her home in Houston.  Lisa is one of the sweetest people I know and I get online in the mornings just hoping she'll be there to chat with. She has 4 adorable children that are the light of her life and she is going to school to become a nurse so she is a very busy lady!  Lisa, your friendship is very special to me! Love ya!


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Kathy is a friend that I made thru a Mommy's group.   We had a little side group of mommies that had struggled thru infertility or were in the process of going thru it.  Kathy is a very special friend to me.  She understands everything I have gone thru.  She has been there right along with me and for a time we were going thru treatments "together".  I am so thrilled for her as she just recently had baby #2.  Kathy is a wonderful Mother to her beautiful daughter Carianne and sweet baby boy Cory.  I hope someday we will be able to meet Kathy, you are a special friend!


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July 11, 2003
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