To Alyce's Multiracial Home pages

          Hi, My name is Alyce.

          (this page is dedicated to my family)
          Like most families, we have our own quirks. We are by no means, what the average  person would consider normal.  We are a Bi Racial family and   find it very easy to exist in a world full of prejudice and bigotry...    ...We ignore it!    Someone else's bad manners  and 
          upbringing will not ever affect our success.

          God our Father has blessed us in so many ways. I  would love to share some of them with you, as well as some of my own thoughts. Maybe you will learn something from our experiences. 

          I am no expert on anything, just a momma with an  opinion. If you don't agree with it, that is your choice. I respect that.  Just as I hope you respect mine.

          Please remember to sign my guest book so that I will know  you were here to visit. Your feedback is very important to me. It will help to guide me as I continue.

          If you wish to contact me
          personally, use my

                My Geocities Home Page
                  My Life Testimony
                 Interracial First Love
                    Jerks of All Hues
                What's It Really Like
           What's It Really Like - Part II
               Interracial Links Page
                       I hope you will join me at my new 
                    message board and chat location

                       adam - The first name in online health
                     My feature boards include:
                  Womens Health

            Alternative Therapies
          Diet and Nutrition
           Thanks to Snooklefritz for my one and only award
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          My Graphics are courtesy of