Solution: Who Killed "Nameless"??

Recall the description of the body:

"Upon examining the body, I found Nameless had been bitten repeatedly in the head, feet, and rump. A portion of the beak had been bitten off. Tail feathers were pulled out. The wounds hadn't bled."

How could there be no blood? Only if the wounds were inflicted AFTER death! If the heart is still pumping, blood will flow out of the wounds. These wounds were obviously made after death.

Io seemed to enjoy the company of the living Nameless. It's only when he was dead that she turned on his corpse, biting it everywhere.

Epilogue: Io was exonerated, but placed in quarantine for a while since she may have been in contact with a sick bird. She remained healthy, and subsequently was given another new mate. She and her mate have become the parents of three fine babies. Nameless has been entered into the memorial page.

Re-read the mystery

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