Welcome to the Hawesville Fire Department's Guestbook!

Claxton Community Volunteer Emergency Services - 07/01/00 12:39:06
My URL:http://www.ccves.org
My Email:Claxton Community Volunteer Emergency Services
E-mail: station11@cves.org

Enjoyed your web site! Linked to your site through the Firefighters Web Ring. We are an all volunteer dept. providing fire suppression, first response rescue, and first response EMS to our community in southeast TN in McMinn County. Keep up the good wo k and stay safe!

Dave Lightner EMT/FF43 - 06/23/00 03:30:51
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/harborcreekfd/
My Email:Harborcreek Fire Dept.
E-mail: daveerie@aol.com

A very nice and awesome site!!!!!!!! Graphics and everything else looks great, no doubt. Stop by sometime and vist our little corner of the internet world, until then stay safe and be careful Dave Lightner EMT/FF43 Harborcreek Fire Dept Harborcreek Pa

Hank Melton - 06/11/00 04:43:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sta1trk7
My Email:Barbourville Fire Department
E-mail: melton@barbourville.com

This is a really nice website. It appears much thought has gone into the creation process. I linked to you from the Firefighter WebRing. Please visit my department at http://www.oocities.org/bfd40906 . Keep up the great work and be safe!

Dave Lightner - 06/01/00 19:09:40
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/harborcreekfd
My Email:Harborcreek Fire Dept
E-mail: daveerie@aol.com

Your Dept has a very great site. I enjoyed the visit and will stop back again. Take care and stay safe. If you get the chance, stop by and visit our place. EMT/FF 43 Dave Lightner Harborcreek Fire Dept

Eddie Miller - 05/14/00 19:11:07
My URL:http://www.m-y.net/~spvfd
My Email:Spruce Pine Volunteer Fire Department
E-mail: kmiller@m-y.net

Enjoyed the site. Keep up the good work.Linked thru Firefighters webring. Please visit our site sometime and stay safe.

Elvin Myers - 04/21/00 20:14:39
E-mail: bonitaelvin@psci.net

I really enjoyed your WEB page. A job well done. Keep up the good work. Former member HVFD 1974 to 1983.

Stephanie Butler - 03/11/00 20:26:22
My URL:http://www.ekronfiredepartment.bizland.com
My Email:Ekron Volunteer Fire Department
E-mail: ekron.fire.department@kvnet.

Great Job on the web-page. Keep up the good work, and stay safe!!!!

Mike Wheatley - 03/07/00 05:08:35
E-mail: isaiahforty@ccnmail.com

nice site, got to your place via kyfirewire.com. I'm a friend of your brother Randy. It's a shame all of his fingers are broke and can't return any e-mail. I'm glad I'm not the only one .

Claxton Community Volunteer Emergency Services - 02/26/00 23:25:05
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/claxtonves
My Email:Claxton Community Volunteer Emergency Services
E-mail: ccves@netscape.net

Hello from McMinn County, Tennessee! Enjoyed your web site! Great to see VFD's utilizing AED's! Linked to your site through the Firefighter's Web Ring. Keep up the good work and stay safe!

- 02/14/00 19:59:59


Mike Carroll - 02/12/00 20:42:23
My Email:HVFD
E-mail: petrista@tds.net

A very fine looking page !!!! Amy did a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. I'll try and send some pictures your way for posting. To everyone looking in, Our motto is "WE CARE" and we really do. Thanks again Willie and Amy.

Patrick R Montague - 02/07/00 20:57:41
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/podgefire/
My Email:Edgewood and Okolona Fire
E-mail: Podgefire@aol.com

Very nice web site guys.. A job well done ............ POdge

Don Parker - 02/04/00 05:12:29
My Email:KSP--Pikeville
E-mail: dparker1554@hotmail.com

Nice job guys. Found you on the KY Fire Wire. I was the arson investigator at Henderson Post 93 to 97.

Lt.Michael Baldwin - 02/03/00 00:50:30
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/cd434
My Email:McLean County Fire Dept-Central District
E-mail: mclean1715@hotmail.com

Nice Page...you guys did a great job

AX - 01/26/00 03:16:18
My Email:H.V.F.D.
E-mail: maxton29@yahoo.com

Hey Willie not to bad. Now if we would just make a few runs we would be ok!!!!

Rick Cox - 01/19/00 13:21:47

Hey Willy!! Nice Job! You do good work.....

chief - 01/17/00 04:03:59
My Email:HVFD
E-mail: chiefmontague@yahoo

Good job Willie or Ms Willie

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