Our Wedding
Brian and I were married sixteen years ago, on August 6, 1988. It was a beautiful day.
Mom fixig veil Fake Veil Fix
This is the actual picture of my mom fixing my veil. This is the picture the photographer set up of my sister, Heather, fixing my veil.
fake bowtie fix Heather and Becky looing.
My maid-of-honor, my sis ter, Heather in the maroon dress, and my friend Becky in the blue.
Brian's bestman, Ken is fixing his bowtie.
walking with Dad
Here I am walking up the aisle with my dad.
This is my flower girl, Collette.  She just had a baby boy named Skyler.
magistrate 2
We were married by Matha Lahuise, the magistrate.
Another picture of the magistrate.
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