June 1998 / My 4th Month

I was baptized this month on the 1st anniversary of my Mommy and Daddy's wedding--June 14th 1998. Mommy, Daddy, and I traveled over 500 miles from our home in Charlotte, NC to my Grandparents' home in Northeastern PA just so I could be baptized in the same church they were married on the same day, just a year later! And you know what else? My mommy was baptized in this church too, but that was a VERY LONG TIME AGO!!! Longer than I can remember.

Here I am, dressed up for my baptism! And this is my Grandpap Orbin.

Hey! Where's my hat, Grandpap?

Here I am with Pastor Carol. She did a great job and I fell right asleep after the water was put on my head.

How did you like my baptismal dress? Mommy especially liked my hat!!

Happy Daddy Day, Dad! Hope your first was very special!!

My ultrasound pics!
My 1st month
My 2nd month
My 5th month
My 6th month
Take me home!