By Neal Griffin

Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free". Jesus said further: "I am the truth and the life".

The truth that frees is Jesus. He is the truth that frees. The truth that frees is not words written on paper. The truth that frees is a Person---the Person of Jesus.

It is knowing Him that frees. This speaks of a very personal involvement with Him. This speaks of an intimate relationship with Him. Knowing Him involves Him being IN us in the sense that He is In the Father and the Father is In Him. It does not speak of knowing what words written on paper say about Him. It speaks of knowing Him.

There is no greater intimacy than being IN another person. Jesus spoke of such intimacy when He prayed that: "They may be completely united, as we are; I IN them and you IN me". This speaks of Divine love: "May they be completely united so that the people of the world will know that You sent me and that You LOVED them as you LOVED me".

Now then, these thoughts were presented in order to write this: As we argue and dispute over what the written word says about the Incarnate Word, and as we impugn the motives of other sincere believers because they do not subscribe to our conclusions, are we presenting to the unbelieving world the "complete" unity that Jesus prayed for? Give it some thought! Neal Griffin

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