Hi! I'm Peter and now I'm two years old. I still like to hang out on top of the refrigerator. These days, sometimes I have to get away up here from that pesky Harriet. I mean, she's cool and all, she worships me, but sometimes I just need to get away and relax, you know? But hey, I can still run with the best of them. Why just the other night I jumped up, did a back flip off the couch and onto the curtain, flipped around the curtain rod and landed on the top window, just for the heck of it. Boy, Harriet's eys just bugged out. I da man!

But enough of me, let me introduce my friend and worshipping admirer, Harriet.

Hi, my name is Harriet. I got evicted and was staying at the Animal Rescue League off of Berkeley St downtown. What a dump! But what can you do? Fortunately, these guys showed up and bailed me out. Since then I've been living the Life of Riley, kibble and treats round the clock, rugs to skid up and scratch, windows to look out of, and this incredible hunk name of Peter who is just like, so cool. I mean, he can jump like totally straight up to the top of the refrigerator. Awesome!

So many books, so little time!

More Silly Peter Tricks!!
I find that my superior camouflaging abilities allow me to make use of this hallway rug to render myself virtually invisible to the unsuspecting passerby!