This page is very much just beginning. I plan to put pictures here, and links to sites about the animals portrayed. It saddens me to think of the way man has treated the world around him, and the animals that live in it. God gave us dominance, and the intelligence to care for our world, and yet we have abused the power.

The North American Wolf Association (NAWA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to wolf recovery, rescue, reintroduction and Preservation through Education

Defenders Of Wildlife
is an organization dedicated to preserving native wildlife. The wolf is one of the primary concerns of the defenders.

Picture taken by Steele.
Take a look at some of his other photographs on his web site.

The STEELEmill

Lifesavers is a Wild Horse Rescue Ranch. The site has a history and description of the American mustang, as well as an adoption program.

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