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Learning and Studying Skills

On This Page
What is Learning?
How Can I Become
a Better Learner?

Learning Styles
Study Skills
Faster Learning

Keeping Up with
the Mozarts

Online Resources
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What is Learning?  

To learn means to gain knowledge or understanding of, or skill in, by study, instruction, or experience.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. 

 ~Chinese Proverb

Did you know...?
  • The human brain can store up to 280 quintillion (280,000,000,000,000,000,000) bits of memory.
  • Everybody has the potential to be a budding Mozart, Einstein or da Vinci – we only employ a fraction of our intellect.
  • Stimulating, enriched environments can make you smarter.

How Can I Become a Better Learner?

  • Your brain is a little bit like a muscle.  If you exercise it, it will grow and become more powerful.  If you don’t exercise your brain, then it will become limp and of little use.
  • Why would I want to become a better learner?
  • Quick learners who are flexible and adaptable in their thinking and their ability to use information and their brains for problem solving, are more successful people and often get to enjoy more of the freedoms that success can allow.  Look, there will always be a need for someone to flip burgers, but flipping burgers at minimum wage won’t allow you many of the opportunities and freedoms you will want in life. 
  • It’s really a pretty simple concept:  Exercise your brain and get more out of life!
  Are there Different Kinds of Learners? (adapted from
  • Yes!  We all have different learning styles.  Our brain consists of two sides, that while connected, usually function separately and differently.  Just like some people are right handed, and some left handed, learners can sometimes be separated intol eft brain learners and right brain learners.
  • An important factor in understanding learning styles is understanding brain functioning. Both sides of the brain can reason, but by different strategies. and one side may be dominant.
  • Left Brain.  The left brain is considered analytic in approach while the right is described as holistic or global. A successive processor (left brain) prefers to learn in a step-by-step sequential format, beginning with details leading to a conceptual understanding of a skill.  Sometimes referred to as an analytic learner.
  • Right Brain. A simultaneous processor (right brain) prefers to learn beginning with the general concept and then going on to specifics.  Sometimes referred to as a global or holistic learner.
  • People think and learn in different ways. In any group there will always be evidence of different learning characteristics, but different cultural groups may emphasize one cognitive style over another. A. Hilliard describes "learning style" as the sum of the patterns of how individuals develop habitual ways of responding to experience and distinguishes learning styles by considering the holistic vs. the analytic learner.
Which type of Learner are you?

LEFT (Analytic)

RIGHT (Global)

Successive Hemispheric Style

Simultaneous Hemispheric Style

1. Verbal

1. Visual

2. Responds to word meaning

2. Responds to tone of voice

3. Sequential

3. Random

4. Processes information linearly

4. Processes information in varied order

5. Responds to logic

5. Responds to emotion

6. Plans ahead

6. Impulsive

7. Recalls people's names

7. Recalls people's faces

8. Speaks with few gestures

8. Gestures when speaking

9. Punctual

9. Less punctual

10. Prefers formal study design

10. Prefers sound/music background while studying

11. Prefers bright lights while studying

11. Prefers frequent mobility while studying

What are Study Skills?

  • Study Skills are ways by which you can learn to improve the manner, effieciency and effectiveness of your learning.  Below you will find an article that includes 17 techniques for faster learning. 
  • Additionally, in the Online Resources section at the bottom of the pages are listed some excellent resources from various universities that will help you better understand and improve your learning abilities.  The information contained in those links is far too vast to include on this page - although I wish I could!
  • If you take nothing else away from the Kids-in-Crisis website, then PLEASE go to those links and work through the VERY VALUABLE learning information contained there!!!  PLEASE!  Also, we've included several links about our brain and spinal cord.  They are well worth looking over!

17 Techniques for Faster Learning

  •  1.  Read material that requires thinking – particularly biographies, news magazines and newspapers. Read a non-fiction book for 20 minutes each day. Carry reading material with you for when you can turn dead time into learning time, even if only for a few minutes. Read the best of the mystery novels and try to keep one step ahead of the detectives. Get a quality dictionary and read the meaning of five new words a day, for 10 days. 
  • 2.  Write – research has shown geniuses from history, such as Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Jefferson and Johann Sebastian Bach were compulsive scribblers. They all recorded thoughts and feelings in diaries, poems, and letters to friends and family, starting from an early age. Researchers have observed this tendency not only in budding writers, but in generals, statesmen, and scientists. 
  • 3.  Learn to love math – you don’t live in a vacuum, you actually function in the real world and use math everyday. You use it in school, manage to keep down a job, balance your bank account, use credit cards and pay taxes. Yet you consider you’re hopeless at math. Be consoled by the fact that a grasp of mathematics has less to do with your intelligence than your eduction. If you don’t understand the basic principles of math, you were probably badly taught somewhere along the way. The problem with many people is that after they get past the age at which they should have learned something, they become embarrassed if they haven’t and therefore back away from anything and everything involved with it. They feel that they’ve been left too far behind and that catching up is too big a task. Familiarity with mathematics will expand your power, make your intellect stronger, and be of immense help in using logic, which is itself of immense help in life. Like language, mathematics is something agreed upon in communication.   If you need help understanding any area of math, please do yourself a favor and go to AAA Math which provides free, online, interactive arithmetic exercises and problems for grades K to 8.  Additionally, you can find many other links by searching for "basic math" on a Search Engine like Hotbot or Google.
  • 4.  Stop watching TV – go and see a play, attend a concert or visit the library. We’ve grown up, most of us, trained to the artificially fast tempo of TV. Even the best of the children’s programming, the most serious of the television documentaries, and the most professional news programs cover far too much in far too short a time. Television is ingrained in most of us, we’ve grown up with it. BUT if you are serious about wanting to think better, and especially if you want to lengthen and strengthen your attention span, at least do it with a little control. Get out the TV guide, look through it like a menu and form a conscious decision about what you’re going to put into your mind this week. Then only turn on the TV for those programs. Debate a documentary program, after watching it with your friend or partner. Or think through the arguments and see f you can see other angles/perspectives. Snacking on junk programs is as bad for your mind as chips are for your body.
  • 5.  Play games – like chess or Scrabble or other word board games. Any game that requires you to use strategy, to project yourself into future time, to think ahead several moves, and to try to outguess and out-think your opponent.
  • 6.  Set yourself goals – set a personal development goal of gaining knowledge in a specific field on a particular topic. Tell your friends and family so they can encourage you.
  • 7.  Learn to mind map – a natural way to organize information, according to the experts. The brainchild of Tony Buzan, a British brain expert, mind mapping begins with the notion that the mind does not work in a linear, straightforward fashion. It works in images, strings of associations, in tangents, loops and strange juxtapositions. Buzan claims that, almost unnoticed, mind mapping activates your entire brain – including the 90 percent that most of us neglect. It is designed to integrate the right brain’s creativity with the left brain’s sense of order and attention to detail.  Click on the link for more information on Mind Mapping.
  • 8.  Be creative – everyone has creativity inside them. Look at children – they can sing, dance, play musical instruments and paint wonderful pictures! It doesn’t matter that you’ll never appear at the Carnegie Hall, Royal Albert Hall or exhibit at the Lourve – just enjoy it!
  • 9.  Find out what’s going on in the world – make a conscious effort to learn more about a country or people you know nothing about. Watch and listen to current affairs programs on TV and radio. Read world newspapers and newsmagazines, readily available in libraries and on the Internet. Learn who the major statespeople are in countries around the world and find out more about different political systems.
  • 10. Go for a walk – Fresh air has a wonderful invigorating effect on the mind as well as the body!
  • 11. Adopt the attitude that learning is a life-long process – use it or lose it. Sign up for a course at your local college, there are hundreds of courses to chose from. There will probably be more than one you’ll want to do. It can be purely for your own pleasure or for further qualifications. Whatever age you are there’s always something for you. The thrill of being with like-minded people is a joy in itself. Of course you don’t have to join a college, there are lots of things you can do at home.
  • 12.  Improve your problem solving skills – start solving problems your way, which means the one most comfortable to you and the way you usually handle things. For example are you a verbal person? If you approach problems with words, then get out your dictionary and thesaurus and bolster your arguments with the most convincing and appropriate words you can find. Do you have a tendency to call upon a higher authority to bolster your claims? Look through your encyclopedia and find the pertinent articles to back up your argument with facts. Are you somebody who makes lists and writes things down? Then draw up the neatest and most concise list of arguments in your favour. Make sure you list them in descending order of importance. The next step is to start solving the same problems in an unfamiliar and uncharacteristic way to you.For example, if you’re comfortable writing things down, take the verbal approach instead. If you’re somebody who always cites authority, make a written list without consulting anybody else, in books or otherwise. The purpose of these exercises is not only to strengthen the insight mechanism you already have, but to give you glimpses of other useful methods that might work for you.
  • 13.  Ask questions – lots of them, take nothing at face value. Don’t be a passenger in life. Don’t merely follow somebody else’s directions. The directions may be excellent, but they’re not yours. At some point, you’ve got to do it yourself, go off on your own and under your own steam. When someone discusses something unfamiliar to you, ask him or her to explain. The only silly question is the one you didn’t ask.
  • 14.  Yogic breathing techniques – researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have found that yogic breathing techniques can actually improve the way our brains work. When you are working with words and logic, your left brain tends to be more active; when you are handling images or music, your right is more involved. In fact, we all have a natural two-hour cycle of switching between the sides. However, one of the ways to interrupt the cycle is to breathe through only one nostril – the left makes your right brain dominant vice versa. So to fine-tune your brain for a particular task, just close off the appropriate nostril and breathe strongly through the other.   
  • 15.  Think positive – recent research suggests that emotion and intelligence are intimately linked. Most psychologists stress the importance of having a positive outlook, but that depends on what you want to do. The upside of being down is that you have a more realistic view of yourself and what is likely to happen. For example, too much realism may be a serious drawback when you are pushing through a tricky new project; on the other hand, if you’ve got to read something carefully and make detailed assessment, wearing rose-coloured spectacles will make you fare more prone to mistakes.
  • 16.  Eat clever food – oily fish (tuna, salmon, sardines). These contain essential fatty acids which make up 70 per cent of the brain. Zinc (fish, meat and seeds) are used in the metabolism of proteins. Serotonin and tryptophan (turkeys, bananas, and tomatoes). These are amino acids which transmit messages across the brain. Two cups of coffee, surprisingly, makes people calmer and able to concentrate more efficiently at tasks requiring hand-eye co-ordination. Among the not very clever foods are food additives, fizzy drinks, and too much sugar. These can cause hyperactivity, followed by a slump in blood sugar levels, which leads to a loss of memory and a short attention span. Alcohol, in excess, prevents the body absorbing vital nutrients. An extract of the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree increases the blood flow to the brain and speeds up messages between nerve cells. Could it boost your intelligence? Some researchers believe it will. The memory and attention-span of people with Alzheimer’s has been greatly improved by using a chemical called Acetyl-1-Carnitine, which is found in several common foods, including milk. Other candidates include hydergine, which comes from a fungus that grows on rye, and may stimulate cell growth. Vassopressin is a hormone diabetics use and many claim it has startling effect on memory and thinking. Choline is a form of brain chemical that helps cells communicate, and some believe it improves memory.
  • 17.  Communicate better – which means giving up slang and cliche ridden speech. Slang merely takes the place of more accurately descriptive words, and if you don’t allow them into your everyday speech, you’ve got to come up with the real words to say what you mean. Cliches are tired shortcuts around good vocabulary, taking the place of sharper, more original, more intelligent speech. Since words are the building blocks of thought, avoiding cliches in speech will force you to avoid them in thinking. Having a powerful vocabulary is using the right word to get the desired result. Long, unfamiliar words only confuse and frustrate receivers of your messages.

Are there limits to how much we can learn?

  • Each of us possess a thinking machine vastly superior to our feeble conscious minds. There is no practical limit to the amount of information you can put into your brain. You can take advantage of its vast capacity to soak up knowledge by pursuing any topic that interests you. You can learn anything you want. But what is it that gets in our way?
  • We are our own worst enemy sometimes. One of the biggest drags on our intelligence and learning ability is what we secretly believe about ourselves. We all have a little voice in our head that says: “Don’t be too smart, no one will like you”. Or, “No one in our family has ever been good at math.” One of the first steps to improving your intelligence is to get rid of all those negative thoughts implanted by parents, teachers and schoolmates.

Keeping up with the Mozarts, the Einsteins and the da Vincis.  What have they got that we haven't?

  • Despite all this awesome computing power in our heads, most of us are hard put to multiply two-digit figures without resorting to a calculator, while even fewer can manage the daily crossword puzzle or remember what they had for dinner last Wednesday. Only the Mozarts, the Einsteins and the da Vincis seem to use their brainpower efficiently (and the evidence shows that even they employ but a fraction of their intellect). So stupendous do their talents seem to the rest of us that we look upon such geniuses much as the ancients did – as divinely gifted beings endowed with what appear to be supernatural powers.
  • Well, put it this way, there’s hope for us yet. Seldom do geniuses distinguish themselves early in life. Many are labelled difficult, slow or even stupid. The mathematician Henri Poincare did so poorly in an IQ test that he was judged an ‘imbecile’. Thomas Edison, whose record 1,093 patents outstripped every inventor in history and transformed human life, was notoriously slow in school.
“My father thought I was stupid,” Edison later recalled, “and I almost decided I must be a dunce.”
As a child, Albert Einstein, too, appeared deficient to his elders, partly due to his dyslexia, which caused him great difficulty in speech and reading. His poor language skills provoked his Greek teacher to tell him, “You will never amount to anything.” Einstein was later expelled from high school and failed his college entrance exam. After finally completing his bachelor’s degree, he failed to attain either an academic appointment or a recommendation from his professors. Forced to accept a lowly job in the Swiss patent office, Einstein in his mid-twenties seemed destined for a life of mediocrity.

But in his twenty-sixth year – Eureka! Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity – which contained his famous formula, E = mc2 – in the summer of 1905. Sixteen years later, he had won a Nobel prize and become an international celebrity. Even today his bushy moustache and shock of silver hair remain the quintessential image of “genius”.
  • Einstein’s brain is missing
When Einstein died in 1955, the pathologist removed and kept his brain, without permission from Einstein’s family. For the next 40  years he studied it under microscope and dispensed small chunks to other researchers upon request. He wanted to uncover the secret of Einstein’s genius.

He never did find anything. But in the early 1980s, one of his colleagues, Marian Diamond a neuroanatomist at the University of California, announced an amazing discovery – one that was to revolutionize ideas about learning and genius.
  • Making a genius
Most people assume that geniuses are born, not made. But Diamond has devoted her career to creating genius in the laboratory. In one famous experiment, she placed rats in a super-stimulating environment, complete with swings, ladders, treadmills, and other toys. Other rats were confined to bare cages. Those rats who lived in the high stimulus environment not only lived to the age of three (the rate equivalent of 90 in a human), but their brains increased in size, sprouting forests of new connections between nerve cells in the form of dendrites and axons – spindly, branch-like structures that transmit electrical signals from one nerve cell (or neutron) to another. The rats who lived in bare cages stagnated and died younger. Their brains had fewer cellular connections.

In 1911, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, the father of neuroanatomy, had found that the number of interconnections between neurons (called synapses) was the real measure of genius, far more crucial in determining brainpower than the sheet number of neurons. Diamond’s experiment showed that – at least in rats – the physical mechanism of genius could be created through mental exercise.

But did this apply to people? Diamond wanted to find out. She obtained sections of Einstein’s brain and examined them. As she expected, she found an increased number of glial cells in Einstein’s left parietal lobe – a kind of neurological switching station that Diamond described as an “association area for other association areas in the brain”. Glial cells act as a glue holding the other nerve cells together, and also help transfer electrochemical signals between neurons. Diamond expected them because she had also found high concentrations of glial cells in the brains of her enriched rates. Their presence in Einstein’s brain suggested that a similar enrichment process was at work.

Use it or Lose it!

Unlike neurons – which do not reproduce after birth – glial cells, axons, and dendrites can increase in number throughout life, depending on how you use your brain. Diamond’s work suggested that the more we learn, the more such connections are formed. Likewise, when we cease learning and our minds stagnate, these connections shrivel and dwindle away.

If Einstein’s brain worked anything like the brains of Diamond’s rats, it may be possible to create new Einsteins by providing sufficiently stimulating mental exercise.  Einstein believed that you could stimulate ingenious thought by allowing your imagination to float freely, unrestrained by conventional inhibitions.

Motivation is central to this. Only those who are really motivated apply themselves hard mentally. Motivation is part of cognitive intelligence, and may determine the quality and quantity of mental capacity.  Studies show that adults who use their intelligence actively do increase in intelligence.

Your memory – your ability both to memorize new information and to recall information you have already learned – has increased dramatically. Your ability to think creatively, to solve problems, has expanded. The speed with which your brain cells pass messages among themselves has increased. In fact, many of your brain cells have actually grown – a microscopic examination would show that the brain cells have developed more dendrites (remember, the rats and Einstein).  You are more intelligent than you were a half hour before.

Online Resources

This section lists organisations and websites that offer real help for kids and teens who need help dealing with Learning, Studying, and Doing Better in School and Life.

Online Resources
Study Skills Self Help

Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Division of Sutdent Affairs, put togeher an EXCELLENT series of Online Study Skills Workshops and Informational Summaries!   If you are smart, you will definately take advantage of this GREAT resource!  Only a fool would pass this up!!!!!

The online study skills workshops include:  Time Management Strategies for Improving Academic Performance; Seven Strategies for Improving Test Performance; Increasing Textbook Reading Comprehension by Using SQ3R; Strategies for Improving Concentration and Memory; Study Skills Inventory

The informational summaries include:  Time Scheduling Suggestions; Where Does Time Go?; More Information on Time Scheduling; Acronyms; Study Skill Checklist; Concentration - Some Basic Guidelines; Control of the Study Environment; Note Taking - The Cornell System; Editing Lecture Notes; How to Read Essays You Must Analyze; Constructive Suggestions Regarding Motivation; Note Taking and In - Class Skills; Proofreading; How to Read a Difficult Book; Remembering; Skimming and Scanning Scientific Material; SQ3R – A; Reading/Study System; Strategies to Use with Difficult Questions; Study Environment Analysis; Suggestions for Improving Reading Speed; Procedure for Writing a Term Paper; Vocabulary: An On Going Process; and Writing Papers.

Study Guides and

The University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, put together another incredible resource that demands your attention!  Look, I'm spoon feeding you 24 carat GOLD here!!!!
Stress Management
The University of Buffalo, the State University of New York, has developed a series of informational summaries on Stress Management.  We all deal with some level of stress in our everyday lives.  Whether you are in school or working, learning how to manage the day-to-day stresses of life will only help you!  Spending a little time here will help you in everything you ever do!

Brain Connection is dedicated to providing accessible, high-quality information about how the brain works and how people learn. Many discoveries are being made in areas that relate to the human brain, including language, memory, behavior, and aging, as well as illness and injury. We believe that access to this information can provide practical tools for teaching and learning as well as valuable insights into almost every aspect of our daily lives.

The Brain
Enchanted Learning produces children's educational web sites and games which are designed to capture the imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment.

They have a very nice, easy to read discussion of various aspects of the brain including:  Introduction, Structure and Function, Brain Cells, Spinal Cord, Animal Brain Comparisons, Glossayr, and Classroom Activities and Links.

Explore the Brain and Spinal Cord
This portion of Neuroscience for Kids, maintained by Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D., University of Washington, Department of Anesthesiology, has GREAT informational pages about all aspects of the human brain and spinal cord!
Brain Explorer
Explore the unknown world inside your brain with these fun activities from The Brain Explorer, a book of puzzles, riddles, illusions, and other mental adventures! This book is written for explorers from age 9 to 12.

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