Kids-In-Crisis is an online resource page for kids and teens, like you, who are having difficult life problems or have questions and don't know how or where to turn for help.

Are You A Missing Kid?

On This Page
Why Kids Go Missing
Abduction by Parent
Abduction by

Running Away
Taken From Your

Do You Think You Are A Missing Child?
Online Resources
Telephone Hotlines
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Why Do Kids Go Missing?

Kids can be missing for alot of different reasons. You might be a missing kid and not know it. Here are a few reasons why kids go missing.

Abduction by a Parent

Sometimes kids are abducted by one parent if the courts have awarded custody to the other parent. You might have been taken to another country and you might have been told lies about the other parent.

Abduction by a Stranger

A kid who has been abducted at a young age might not know they were abducted and might have been lied to. But there real parents will be searching for them.

Running Away

If you have run away from home you are a missing kid and your parents and others are likely to be searching for you. Kids-in-Crisis has a seperate page for help and information for runaways.


Adopted kids sometimes want to try to find there biological parents and sometimes those parents are trying to find there lost children.

Taken from your Parents

Kids can be taken into care if a court says the parents cant look after them properly. Maybe you have lost contact with your family because of this and your relatives may be looking for you.

Do you think you may be a missing kid, but you're not sure?

Sometimes a parent, a relative, or even complete strangers abduct children and convince them that their parent(s) don't love them anymore. Abducting parents sometimes tell the child that the other parent is dead, crazy, or in jail.

1.    Have you been told your parent(s)are dead, but you didn't get to attend the funeral?
2.    Has your name been changed?
3.    Have you been told your parents don't love you anymore? Or that they sold you or gave you away?
4.    Have you been disguised? Has your hair been dyed?
5.    Do you live in hotels/motels? Do you move around a lot, never staying in one place very long?
6.    Are you being abused?
7.    Do you know your parent(s) are alive, but you are forbidden to call them?

If you can answer yes to just one of these, you may be a missing child. You are loved, and your parent(s) are probably frantic looking for you. If you have been told that they know what is happening to you and that they don't care, that is untrue. Do not believe it.
If you have been told that what is happening to you is your fault, this is also untrue. If you are being abused, or if you are being touched in ways that make you feel uncomfortable, then you are a victim. Abuse can never be justified. If they say "You made me do it" Do not believe it. YOU cannot make anyone abuse you, they abuse because they choose to, no other reason. Remember this, no matter what you may have been told, you have done nothing wrong.
If you suspect you have been abducted, please, contact someone on one of the websites listed below.

Online Resources

This section lists organisations and websites that offer real help for kids and teens who may be missing.

Online Resources
4 the kids
4thekids is a new group of web citizens that are dedicated to helping the families of missing children. Our members come from all walks of life. The membership of 4thekids is made up of grandmothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, mothers, lawyers, law enforcement officers, and representatives of some of the leading organizations for child advocacy. As diverse as we are, we all have one thing in common, that one thing is a big desire to do whatever we can to help missing children and their families.
USA Missing Kids Resources
NCMEC National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
UK Missing Kids Resources
Missing Children Great new UK-based service on trial by London's Metropolitan Police and Hertfordshire Constabulary. They're running this Web site to help find under-18s who have vanished from home - and an Internet search, of course, reaches all over the world.

Telephone Hotlines

To report a missing child or a sighting of a missing person you should contact your local police station as quickly as you can and provide as much information as possible.

If you are having a problem and you need HELP or advice there are national and local telephone helplines you can call. Phoning these numbers is normally free and private. The people you talk to are trained to be able to help you and you dont need to tell them who you are or where you live.

Because these numbers are free they shouldnt show up on your home phone bill but if you are worried about that you might want to call from a phone box or from a friends phone.

Telephone Helplines
1-800-THE-LOST If you think you might be a missing kid you can call The Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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