


I'm richly blessed the have these girls as my sisters.
We live close to each other, therefore we talk on the phone, shop and
of course, eat out. It's very seldom all of us get to go out at the same time
but at one time or another we get to go in pairs. We make it a point to
get together once or twice a year as a group. Just us girls, No men allowed!
The above photo was taken on one of our outings. We went out for lunch
that day. I lost two of my brothers-in-law within the past five years,and
that sure put us all through some hard times, but we have stuck together.
We try to forget the things that need to be forgotten,and remember all the
happy times in our lives and above all, to love one another. I love you girls!!

Sister share juicy secrets.
Sisters always have the neatest clothes to borrow.
Sisters know the importance of a good hair day.
Sisters always "remember when.....".
Sisters give a giggle at just the right time.
Sisters argue in one ear and out the other.
Sisters tell ya like it is.
Sisters love you, no matter what.

I hope you enjoy my poetry writing endeavors.

*Poems for my Sisters*
For Reba on Mothers day.............(oldest sister)
For Ruby on her birthday...............(2nd sister)
For Jean on her birthday................(3rd sister
For Tots on her birthday............... (4th sister)
For Janice, in appreciation.............(baby sister)

*Poems for my daughter & grandaughters*
For Amy on her ninth birthday............(grandaughter)
For Autumn for her sixth birthday......(grandaughter)
For Summers eight birthday................(grandaughter)
For Dorenda on Mothers Day..(one and only daughter)

*Quick links to my other pages*
My Garden Garden Ponds Dorendas Garden
Poetry My Morning prayer A Tribute
Prayers/Inspirations Life Over Forty West Virginia Snow West Virginia Fall
Home West Virginia My Awards