Here you will find my ponds that I made in among my flowers
in the flower garden. They are small in comparison to some
that havebeen put in since I did these. They are as big as
I need, since my garden space is limited, and they can take
up a lot of time during the summer.Since I have so many flowers,
and I like them better anyway,I don't like to have to spend
a lot of time on the ponds. These are almost maintenance
free now that they are well established.

This photo was taken the first year that this pond was made, about seven years ago.

This is the way it looked later into the growing season that same year.
The plants grew like crazy. They liked living by the pond, don't you think?

The next year, I decided that my pond needed more. So I added an
upper level. The water is pumped from the lower pond,
up and over the rocks at the back of the upper pond making a
small waterfall. Then it overflows the upper pond
making a falls from the upper level to the lower, and ends up back
in the lower pond, etc.etc. Round and round it goes,
filtering and circulating the water.

Here's the way it looked when I put the plants in. I've
noticed,when looking at other ponds, that some people don't
use plants around the edges. I've found that in my type
of garden that the plants look good.
Everybody to their own taste!
I now have taken the large water plants out of the upper
pond and now just have floating plants.These really
got out of hand quickly.

This is another shot similar to the one above. See my fish?
At the present,I have about thirty five in this one lower pond alone.
There are more in the upper one and the small one, coming up.
I'm buying a larger pump for this pond this spring. This one
is old and the falls aren't as pretty as they were at first.

These are two little ponds that are located on the opposite side
of my garden, from the bigger ones.They are made on the same
principle as the larger ones. This photo was taken in early spring.
Notice the red Primrose and purple Ajuga(Bugleweed)on the right,
and blue Forget-me-nots on the left.

This is the same two little ponds later in the summer. Poor little things,
Can't even see the water. :-) This pond is in the shade most of the
day, thus making it a perfect place for shade loving plants such as
Fern, Begonia, and Impatients.

Here are the four grandchildren putting real live ducks
in the pond on Easter Sunday a couple of years ago.

Well, that's my ponds, hope you liked 'em.
They're small but they're mine and I like 'em! :-)

God gave us hands to use and
minds to use them...

*Quick links to my other pages*
My Garden Garden Ponds Dorendas Garden
Poetry My Morning prayer A Tribute
Prayers/Inspirations Life Over Forty West Virginia Snow West Virginia Fall
Home West Virginia My Awards