Brand New Web Page

(Okay so I'm excited, this is my first attempt!)

Who I am...

I grew up in a small town waaaay out on the tip of Long Island (that's that little thing on the map that sticks out from Manhattan) named Sag Harbor. Well, it's a small town in the winter, anyway. In the summer there is an influx of people that swells the population from 2,000 to 10,000! See, Sag Harbor is part of The Hamptons. (Yes, we natives HATE that term. ) For anyone more interested in the area, here are some links: Peconic Online and Hamptons Online

Anyway, after a rather uneventful childhood I went off to college. I attended Marymount College in Tarrytown, NY. Tarrytown is right next to the town of Sleepy Hollow, but I never saw any headless horsemen. After four rather uneventful years there I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Then began my peregrinations... I have lived in South Florida (hated it, the only good thing about Florida is Disney World ), the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC where I did the beltway rat race for several years (loved DC and Virginia), then back to eastern LI for a few years in the town of Amagansett which is a wonderful town. Currently I am in a suburb of Grand Rapids, MI named Wyoming. (No, I don't know why they named a town after a state.) My thoughts on the area... don't ask.

Along the way I collected a husband, Michael and two absolutely gorgeous, wonderful children for which I take full credit! (Of course there are pictures!) Oh, and a computer named Fred.

My beautiful babies!

Now, I have been tormented and harassed into including a picture of me on this page. Well, here you go!

Age 7 - Wasn't I adorable?

When I'm not working or doing my mom thing, my favorite things are reading, gardening, reading, quilting, reading, crocheting, and oh, did I mention reading! Recently I began horseback riding lessons with my daughter, and WOW! I'm hooked for life!  Also recently, a so-called friend has gotten me hooked on beanie babies. I may never forgive her... she knows who she is!

I am a proud member of Clan Outlandish, the Outlander Reading Group on AOL.  My screename there is SasnchWnch.  Anyone who is familiar with Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series has probably figured out my screen name by now... Sassenach Wench. (It's pronounced sassenak for the gaelic impaired ) Sassenach is gaelic for Outlander. The sassenach in question is the books' protagonist, Claire. DG has written, so far, four wonderful books that defy categorization, but are must reads! Deana , a fellow member of Clan Outlandish and a fellow Sockster, has links about these books and related sites on her page.

But my favorite project, besides being a Sockster, is the The Lunatic Cafe, the Laurell K. Hamilton Reading Group on AOL, where I am group co-leader under my other screen name of LKHFan. If you haven't read her books, you are missing out! Here's a dare... read 10 chapters of Guilty Pleasures, the first book in the Anita Blake series and let me know what you think. I guarantee you'll keep going! What's it about, you ask?

Guilty Pleasures is the first in Laurell K. Hamilton's series of books about Anita Blake ^v^ Vampire Hunter. In this book we are introduced to a world, set in a fictionalized St. Louis, where the Supreme Court has granted vampires equal rights and our short, tough and sassy protagonist, who raises zombies for a living, must hunt down a serial killer who is murdering vampires. From the book jacket: "My name is Anita Blake. Vampires call me The Executioner. What I call them isn't repeatable."

Here are a few links you can use to enter the world of Anita Blake fans... enter at your own risk, you may never want to leave!

The LKH Reading Group Home Page

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

Anyway, that's probably waaaaaaay more than anybody every wanted to know about me! We now return you to your regularly scheduled life...

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook.

You can also e-mail me with suggestions and/or comments.

Scottish MIDI "Mary Bahn Og" courtesy of Barry Taylor.