Our Family Album

Robert, Tari, Brad, Sebastian, & Roffe

Family Photo

Hi, and welcome to our homepage. We created this site for our friends and family so that we can keep you updated with the most recent pictures of Brad growing up. We take lots of pictures and we'll try to keep it updated monthly. We are all doing great here in Texas but, we miss all of our family and friends. Be sure to leave us an e-mail and let us know what's going on in your part of the country. Enjoy!!

Button1Monthly Pictures of Brad

Button1Pictures of Brad With Family

Button1Pictures of Brad With Friends

Button1Pictures of the House

Button1Pictures of Brad Playing

Pictures with Mom & Dad

Button1Pictures of the Dogs


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Background Graphics Courtesy of
Graphics Design by Shawna

Some fun tunes

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Last Revised: 10/03/98

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