Mandy's Homepage

This is a picture of my big sister and I. Kimmy is in the front and I am in the back.

I hope you enjoy your visit. I started a web page because I thought it would be fun and I also wanted to put out some awareness about endometriosis. Thank you for the visit.

Kimmy's Homepage
This link is wonderful. Not only is it very interesting it is beautiful. It also has a lot of useful information on it. It is maintained by my best friend and big sis and let me tell you she does a wonderful job. Check it out it is worth the time.

This is a link to Michael's page. It is an awesome site and he has done a really great job. Stop by and let him know you were there by signing his guestbook.

Juli's Homepage
This is a link to one of my best friends page. She is a really wonderful person and she has a great page.

My Links


This link will tell you a little about myself and about my battle with endometriosis.
Mandy's Story

Please visit my angel's page. It is about my nephew, Garrett, that past away in November of 1996.

Garrett's Page

This page is about a wonderful person that I have found in my life. Please take time to read it.

My Angel

This page is a gift from my big sister for my graduation.
My Graduation


**Please don't use the graphics off of this page they were made special for me by my big sister. Thanks.**


Kimmy's Cross Happy, Happy; Joy, Joy

These pages were last updated on January 6, 2000. These pages are best viewed in Netscape 4.0.


Send me mail to let me know what you think about my page.

The song you are listening to is "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" By: Aerosmith