Lasiorda parahybana (Brazilian salmon tarantula)

By Rhys Brigida

I've raised several from spiderling to adult, males and females. Conditions in my spider room are about 75F - 80F most of the year, with cages kept moist. I've used all different types of substrata, but found that a mixture of peat, potting soil with a dash of vermiculite works well. Humidity should be up in the 80's, at least.

Personality varied somewhat between spiders, but I'll toss in a few adjectives to describe my adult female......
PRYING/PROBING - always trying to get to the other side of something.
SNOOPY - always looking under and around objects.
CURIOUS (to a fault)- see above. Any new object gets overturned, filled with dirt.
MEDDLESOME- If something is going on at the other end of her cage, she advances straight toward it; such as your hand when you are trying to remove a dead cricket.
AGGRESSIVE- Not really belligerent or hostile, but in a determined manner, often pushy and unwilling to back down.....always feeling/exploring with her forelegs.
PROACTIVE ESCAPE ARTIST- Last evening I removed the lid of my large female's tank to remove some debris, and she immediately advanced to the upper rim, deliberately trying to get out. I gently pushed her back with a soft piece of foam. Refusing to back down, she grabbed the foam with her front legs and 'tested' it with her fangs. Not a fast bite, but a slow puncture move as if she was trying to figure out what the material was. I carefully coaxed her into a 1 quart plastic deli container and snapped on the lid. As I continued cleaning her cage with her safely out of the way I noticed a cracking sound and realized it was her, biting at the upper lid of the deli container. Her fangs perforated the lid and she began tearing slowly and deliberately away at the thin plastic. I had just enough time to finish housekeeping and transferred her back into her cage. I guessed she would have escaped from that deli container in just a few minutes.

L. parahybana are lively, very active creatures. They tend to stay out in the open despite having hiding places in their cage........Are they acting this way because of the artificial environment?

Other Web Pages Featuring Info/Pictures of Lasiorda parahybana

Deen's Tarantula Page: Scroll down for a taste of this species

Arachnofiles: contains general info, housing, aggressiveness, and sometimes breeding notes, plus much more; open forum article

Chris's Tarantula Page: contains a "spiderling diary"

Lelles Tarantula Page (English version): A picture and a good intro

Kingdom of the Spider: A very good overview including habitat, temperature, humidity, origin, etc.

Will's Tarantula Log: for molting and fasting info, but not much more. Good page for info on cages and tools though!

Tarantula Terrain: housing and habitat

Tarantula Dreams: Contains the basic info like housing, temperature, etc.

The Pheonix Zoo: just some good reference, not a whole lot of care information

Deen's Tarantula Page: Scroll down for a taste of this species

Leon Bienvenue's Tarantula Page: A small intro (scroll down)

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