Index to the 1895 Kansas State Census

Name Age Sex Color Birthplace County City/Township Ward Vol. Page
Souders, Clare  24.0 F W Kansas Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 28
Souders, Ellen  3.0 F W Kansas Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 31
Souders, Harrison  6.0 M W Kansas Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 31
Souders, Malcolm  19.0 M W Kansas Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 28
Souders, Minnie  16.0 F W Kansas Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 28
Souders, Pearl  9.0 M W Kansas Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 28
Souders, R J 45.0 F W Indiana Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 28
Souders, T J 45.0 M W Indiana Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 28
Souders, Willie  13.0 M W Kansas Greenwood City of Eureka 2 140 28
Age - Age as recorded by census taker. If age was recorded as a fraction of a year (e.g., 6 months or 5 years and 4 months), a decimal place is used:

1 month = .1
2 months = .2
3 months = .3
4 months = .3
5 months = .4
6 months = .5
7 months = .6
8 months = .7
9 months = .8
10 months = .8
11 months = .9
Sex - M for male, F for female
Color - As recorded by the census taker.

W = White
B = Black
M = Mulatto
I = Indian
C = Chinese
H = Mexican
Birthplace - State or country of birth as recorded on the census return
County - The county of residence
City/Township - Township or city of residence. Larger cities and towns were recorded separately from the surrounding township, and assessors recorded either the township or the city, but not both.
Ward  - Some of the larger cities, such as Kansas City, were divided into wards
Vol. - Volume number of the census book
Sect. - A few cities and townships were divided into sections, with the page numbering starting over at the beginning of each section.
Page - Census book page numbers