Seneca County Ohio

The following deeds appear on this page:
Jacob and Delilah Souder to William Shank, 21 Dec 1833
Jacob Souder to Enoch Umsted, 3 Mar 1834
Jacob and Delilah Souder to Samuel Waggoner, 7 Aug 1835
David Souder to Peter Shidler, 3 April 1841
David Souder to Jacob Shidler, 3 April 1841
John and Elizabeth Souder to Jacob Souder, 15 Nov 1847
John and Helena Souder to George Schlerreth, 1 June 1848 (2 deeds)
John W. and Elizabeth A. Souder of Sandusky Co to Joseph Souder, 12 Dec 1848
Joseph  and Angeline Souder to John W. Souder of Sandusky Co., 4 Jan 1849

FHL Film No. 0382635, Vol 4, Page 173

Jacob Souder & Wife
(Deed) to
William Shank

This Indenture made this twenty first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three by and between Jacob Souder & Delilah his wife of Seneca County in the State of Ohio on the one part, and William Shank of Seneca County, in the State of Ohio on the other part Witnesseth, that the said Jacob Souder & Delilah his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and forty dollars to them in hand paid (or hand to be paid) by the said William Shank, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained, Sold, released conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain sell release convey and confirm unto the said William Shank & to his heirs and assigns forever a lot of land situated and being in the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio known and distinguished by being bounded and described as follows to wit, commencing at the South corner stone of the tract of ground and premises on which ____ Brice J  Batlett lately resided in Clinton Township of said County - Beginning thence North 39 degree - E - 14 1/10 perches to a stone - Thence N 65 degrees - W -- 11 2/10 perches to a stone - and thence to the place of beginning, containing one half acre of land more or less - Said lot of land hereby conveyed being a part of the west part of the northeast quarter of Section ten in Township Two north in Range fifteen in the Delaware Land District and State of Ohio - And being the same lot of land heretofore conveyed to Thomas R. Ellis and Susan his wife to the said Jacob Souder - To have and to hold the grant premises aforesaid together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances therein belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said William Shank, his heirs and assigns forever.  And the said Jacob Souder and Delilah his wife for them and their heirs executors and administrators, covenant to and with the said William Shank his heirs and assigns that they the said Jacob Souder and Delilah his wife, at and untill the ensealing and delivery of ___ presents, an lawfully ___ of the granted premises aforesaid that they have good right and full authority to sell and convey the same as aforesaid, that the said granted premises, are free and clear of and from all incumbrances whatsoever. And that they the said Jacob Souder and Delilah his wife, and their heirs, executors and administrators will warrant and forever defend the granted premises aforesaid unto the said William Shank and unto his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person wheresoever.  In testimony whereof the said party of the first part, have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.
                                                                       Jacob Souder          Seal
                                                                       Delilah Souder         Seal
Executed in presence of
Reubin Williams Joel Stone

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

Be it remembered that on this 21th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three, Jacob Souder and Delilah his wife the grantors in the ___ ____ of conveyance Personally came before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace and for the said County of Seneca and severally acknowledged the signing and sealing thereof to be their free act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.  And the said Delilah being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband ___ the  ___ of said deed, and the contents thereof being __ by me to her made known ___ that she executed the same, fully of her own accord without the fear or coercion of her said husband - Given under my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.
                                                                       Reubin Williams             Seal
                                                                       Justice of the Peace
This deed was presented for record March 15th
1834 and recorded on the same day
                              Abel Ranson, Recorder, Seneca County, Ohio

FHL 0382635, Vol 4, Page 212

Jacob Souder
(Deed) to
Enoch  Umsted

This Indenture made this third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, by and between Jacob Souder of Seneca County in the State of Ohio on the one part and Enoch Umsted and his heirs and representatives forever of ___ County of the State of Ohio on the other part Witnesseth - That the said Jacob Souder for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and fifty cents to him in hand paid (or secured to be paid) by the said Enoch Umsted __ ____ ___ whereof is hereby acknowledges, hath given granted, bargained ___ ____ ____  ____ and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell ___ ___ ____  and confirm unto the said Enoch Umsted his heirs and representatives ___ ____  lot of land, situated and being in the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio ___ and being a part of the North West quarter of Section (21) twenty one Township (2) two North Range (15) fifteen in the Delaware Land District Ohio and beginning from the same at a State (stone? planted on the South side of William ____ farm where is a beach 4 inches diam. S73 degrees E 10 lks distant. thence S26 ? degrees ___ ___ ___ 25 links to a Stake N64 1/4 East 2 chains and 25 links to a Stake thence N 26 ? degrees W __ ___ & 25 links to a Stake, thence S 64 1/4 E 2 chains and 25 links to the beginning containing an half an acre of land be the same more or less for a burying ground (I think this is what it said) (and for no other use whatsoever) together with a ___ access thereto forever to have and to hold the granted premises aforesaid together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Enoch Umsted, his heirs and representatives forever.  And the said Jacob Souder for himself, heirs executors and administrators, covenant to and with the said Enoch Umsted his heirs and representatives, that the said Jacob Souder, at and with the ensealing and delivery of these presents, is lawfully ___ of the granted ____ aforesaid, that he has good right and full authority to sell and convey the same as aforesaid, that the said granted ____ are free and clear of and from all incumbrances whatsoever - And that he the said Jacob Souder, and his heirs executors and administrators, will warrant and forever defend the granted ___ aforesaid unto the said Enoch Umsted, and unto his heirs and representatives against the lawful claim and demands, of all and every person whomsoever ____ whereof, the said party of the first part, has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written.
                                                                             Jacob Souder  Seal
Executed in the presence of
Jacob _____ __ Kuhn

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

Be it remembered that on this third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, Jacob Souder grantor on the foregoing deed of conveyance personally came before me the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in ___ ___ said County, and acknowledged the signing and sealing thereof, to be his free act and deed for the purposes therein expressed - given under my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.
                                                                  Jacob Pla____ J. P.    Seal

This deed was presented for record April 25th
1834 and recorded on the same day
             Abel Ranson, Recorder, Seneca County, Ohio

FHL Film No. 03822635, Vol 5, page 479, 7 Aug 1835

Jacob Souder & Wife
(Deed) to
Samuel Waggoner

This Indenture Witnesseth, that Jacob Souder and Delilah, his wife, of the County of Seneca, in the State of Ohio, for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand dollars to them in hand paid by Samuel Waggoner of Seneca County and State of Ohio the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Samuel Waggoner and unto his heirs and assigns forever, The South East quarter of Section twenty eight (28) in Township two (2) North, of the Base line, in Range fifteen (15) in the County of Seneca and State of Ohio aforesaid, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, more or less.  To have and to hold the said granted premises, with all the appurtenances and privileges to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining, to the said Samuel Waggoner and unto his heirs and assigns, to their own proper use benefit and behoof forever, as a good and indefensible estate, in fee simple.  And the said Jacob Souder and Delilah, his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said Samuel Waggoner his heirs and assigns that until the sealing and delivery of these presents, they are lawfully seized, in fee, of the above granted premises and appurtenances, that they have good right full power and lawful authority to sell and convey the same, in manner aforesaid, that the said premises are free from all encumbrances whatever and that they will and do warrant and defend the same to the said Samuel Waggoner and unto his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.  In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seal this seventh day of August A.D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty five.
                                                                                  Jacob Souder   seal
                                                                                  Delilah Souder  seal
Signed, sealed and delivered
in presence of John Ruse
                  Marcus ? Graff

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

On this seventh day of August A.D. 1835, before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace in and for said County, personally appeared Jacob Souder and Delilah, his wife, the grantors named in the foregoing Deed and acknowledged the signing and sealing thereof to be their free act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.  And the said Delilah, wife of Jacob Souder aforesaid, being examined by me, separate and apart from her said husband, touching the execution of said Deed, and the contents thereof being them by me to her fully explained and made known, declared that the executed the same fully of her own accord without the fear or coercion of her said husband, and that she is still satisfied therewith.  Witness my hand and seal
                                                        Marcus ? Graff J. P.
Auditor's Office August 8 1835
Tiffin, Seneca County Ohio

In conformity to the requisitions of a Statue of the State of Ohio passed March 8th 1835, I have transfered the within Lot of Land from Jacob Souder to Samuel Waggoner on Transfer Book No. 1 Pages 20.
Given under my hand officially.                      David E. Owen, County Auditor

Presented for record August 8th 1835
and recorded August 11 th 1835
Abel Ra______    Recorder, Seneca County, Ohio

FHL Film No. 0382638, Vol 11, page 388

David Souder
(Deed) to
Peter Shidler

Know all men by these presents that I David Souder of the county of Seneca and State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Peter Shidler, of the county and State aforesaid, have bargained and sold, and do hereby grant, bargain sell and convey unto the said Peter Shidler his heirs and assigns forever, the following premises situate in Seneca County and State of Ohio and bounded and described as follows.  Being the East half of the North West quarter of Section number twenty two in Township No. 3 North in Range No. fifteen containing Eighty acres be the same more or less - To Have and to Hold the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said Peter Shidler his heirs and assigns forever.  And the said David Souder for himself and being doth hereby covenant with the said Peter Shidler his heirs and assigns, that he is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid, that the premises are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever and that he will forever warrant and defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said Peter Shidler his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever -- In testimony whereof the said David Souder has herewith set his hand and seal this third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one.
                                                                   David Souder   Seal
In the presence of us
W. H. Kepler
G. J. Keen

State of Ohio Seneca County

Before me Gabriel J. Keen a Justice of the Peace in and for said County personally appeared the within said David Souder and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the within Indenture to be his voluntary act and deed - Witness said Justice at Tiffin this 3rd day of April A.D. 1841.
                                                                   G. J. Keen J. Peace

This deed was filed for Record April 3rd 1841 & Recorded April 10th 1841.
                                                                   W. H. Kepler Recorder Seneca County Ohio

FHL Film No. 0382638, Vol 11, page 388

David Souder
(Deed) to
Jacob Shidler

Know all men by these presents that I David Souder of the county of Seneca and State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of Three hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid by Jacob Shidler of the county and State aforesaid have bargained and sold and do hereby grant, bargain sell and convey unto the said Jacob Shidler, his heirs and assigns forever, the following premises situate in the county of Seneca and State of Ohio and bonded and described as follows: - Being the North half of the North East quarter of Section Numbered thirty-four in Township No. three North in Range No. fifteen containing Eighty acres,  be the same more or less -- To Have and to Hold said premises with the appurtenances unto the said Jacob Shidler, his heirs and assigns forever -- And the said David Souder for himself and heirs, doth hereby covenant with said Jacob Shidler his heirs and assigns that he is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid, that the premises are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever and that he will forever warrant and defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said Jacob Shidler his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever -- In testimony whereof the said David Souder has herewith set his hand and seal this third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one.
                                                                   David Souder   Seal
In the presence of us
W. H. Kepler
G. J. Keen

State of Ohio Seneca County

Before me Gabriel J. Keen a Justice of the Peace in and for said County personally appeared the above named David Souder and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the within Indenture to be his voluntary act and deed this third day of April A.D. 1841.
                                                                   G. J. Keen J. Peace

This deed was filed for Record April 3rd 1841 & Recorded April 10th 1841.
                                                                   W. H. Kepler Recorder Seneca County Ohio

FHL Film No. 0382642, Page 374

John Souder & wife
(Deed) to
Jacob Souder

Know all men by these presents That we John Souder and Elisabeth Souder wife of John Souder of the county of Seneca in the State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of Six hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by Jacob Souder of the Same place the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given granted bargained and sold and by these presents do give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Jacob Souder his heirs and assigns forever the following premises Situate in the said County of Seneca and State of Ohio and known distinguished and described as follows to wit  The East half of the North West quarter of Section number (14) in Township number three (3) North Range fifteen (15) in said Seneca County State of Ohio containing Eighty acres of land be the same more or less To Have and To Hold said premises with the appurtenances unto the said Jacob Souder his heirs and assigns forever - And the said John Souder for himself and heirs doth hereby covenant with said Jacob Souder his heirs and assigns that he is lawfully Seized of the granted premises aforesaid that the premises are free and Clear from all incumbrances whatsoever and that he will forever Warrant and Defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said Jacob Souder his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claim of all persons whomsoever -- In Testimony whereof the said John Souder and Elizabeth Souder have hereunto set their hands and Seals this fifteenth day of November A.D. 1847.
                                                                        John Souder          Seal
                                                                        Elizabeth Souder    Seal
Executed in presence of
John Wright
Joseph Walker

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

Before me Joseph Walker a Justice of the Peace in & for said County came John Souder and Elizabeth Souder his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the foregoing Deed of conveyance to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned - And the said Elizabeth Souder being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that she signed the same willingly and without fear of her said husband and that she is satisfied and content therewith this 15th day of November A.D. 1847.
                                                                      Joseph Walker    Seal

This Deed was filed for Record November 15th 1847 & Recorded November 19th 1847.
                                                  R.M.C. Martin, Recorder Seneca County, Ohio

FHL Film No. 0382642, Page 423

John Souder & wife
(Deed) to
George Schlarth

Know all men by these presents.  That we John Souder and Helena Souder wife of the said John Souder of the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty Dollars to them paid by George Schlarth of the same County & State the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and do hereby grant bargain sell and convey unto the said George Schlarth his heirs and assigns forever the following premises situate in the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio and described as follows to wit: Being a part of the North part of the South West quarter of fractional Section thirty in Township two North of Range fifteen in said Seneca County and bounded by beginning for the same at a stone planted on the East line of said quarter Section four chains and twenty two links from the North East corner thereof running Thence South Eighty Eight degrees and fifteen minutes West fourteen chains and thirteen links to a stone planted in the centre of the Negrotown State Road - Thence Southerly on and along said State Road and along the centre of the same Eighteen links to a stone planted in the centre of said Road being also the North West corner of a Lot of Land heretofore Sold by J. Freeze & wife to John Baugher - Thence North Eighty Eight degrees and fifteen Minutes East six chains and ninety six and one fourth links to a Stone there planted being also the North East corner of said Lot of Land conveyed to said Baugher as aforesaid.  Thence South one degree and 45 minutes East six chains and sixty and one third links to a Stone there planted being also the South East corner of said Baughers said Lot.  Thence North Eighty Eight degrees and fifteen Minutes East seven chains and twenty six 3/4 links to a stone planted on said East line of said quarter Section  Thence Northerly on and along said line last mentioned six chains and seventy six links to the place of beginning containing five acres of land.  To Have And To Hold the said granted premises with the appurtenances unto the said George Schlerth his heirs and assigns forever.  And the said John Souder and his said wife for themselves and their heirs do hereby warrant with the said George Schlerreth and his heirs and assigns that until the execution and delivery of these presents the were lawfully seized of the granted premises aforesaid that the said granted premises are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever and that they will forever Warrant and Defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said George Schlerreth his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. - In Testimony whereof the said John Souder and his said wife Helena have hereunto set their hands and seals this first day of June A.D. 1848.
                                                                                John Souder      Seal
                                                                                Helena Souder    Seal
Signed Sealed and acknowledged
in presence of us.
Wm Long
Louis Faulhaber

Helena SOUDER and Lewis FOULKAUIER, 1 Mar 1849 (LDS Batch Number M514111) (Lewis'
name also spelled Foulhauber on FTM Ohio Marriage CD.)  Is this a daughter or did John die?  Does any one know who this John Souder was?

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

On this first day of June A.D. 1848 before me the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County personally appeared the above named John Souder and Helena Souder his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the above Deed of conveyance to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned - And the said Helena Souder being at the same time examined by me separate and apart from her said husband touching the execution of said Deed and the contents thereof being then made know to her by me she thereupon declared that she did voluntarily sign seal and acknowledge the same without the fear or coercion of her said husband and that she is still satisfied therewith.  In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal  Notarial at Tiffin said Seneca County the day and year last herein above written.
                                                        Wm Long  Notary Public Seneca Co Ohio

This Deed was filed for Record October 9th 1845 & Recorded Same Day
                                                        R.M.C. Martin  Recorder Seneca County Ohio

FHL Film No. 0382642, Page 424

John Souder & wife
(Deed) to
George Schlarth

Know all men by these presents That I John Souder and Helena Souder wife of the said John Souder of the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of three hundred Dollars to them paid by George Schlerreth of the same County & State the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and do hereby grant bargain sell and convey unto the said George Schlerreth his heirs and assigns forever the following premises situate in the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio and described as follows to wit:  Beginning for the same at the North East corner of the North part of the South West quarter of fractional Section thirty one Township two North of Range fifteen in the Delaware Land District and State of Ohio running thence Southerly on and along the East line of said North part of said South West quarter of the fractional Section aforesaid until it intersects the North corner on said East line of a Lot of Land heretofore sold by Jefferson Freeze to C. F. Dresbach and by said Dresbach to John Souder aforesaid.  Thence Westerly in a parallel line with the North line of said North part of the said South West quarter of said fractional Section to the centre of the Negrotown State Road.  Thence North Easterly on and along said Road to a stake standing on the North line of the said North part of said South West quarter of said frac. Sec. and in the centre of the said Road where it crosses the North line last named.  Thence Easterly on & along said line last mentioned eleven chains and forty six links to the place of beginning containing five acres of land more or less. - To Have And To Hold the said granted premises with the appurtenances unto the said George Schlerreth and his heirs and assigns forever:  And the said John Souder and his said wife for themselves and their heirs do hereby covenant with the said George Schlerreth and his heirs and assigns that until the execution and delivery of these presents they were lawfully seized of the granted premises aforesaid that the said granted  premises are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever and that they will forever Warrant and Defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said George Schlarth his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.  In Testimony whereof the said John Souder and his said wife Helena have hereunto set their hands and seals this ninth day of October A.D. 1848.
                                                                     John Souder     Seal
                                                                     Helena Souder   Seal

Signed Sealed and acknowledged
in presence of us
Wm Long
? Souder

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

On this ninth day of October A.D. 1848 before e the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County personally appeared the above named John Souder and Helena Souder his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the above Deed of conveyance to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned.  And the said Helena Souder being at the same time examined by me separate and apart from her said husband touching the execution of said Deed and the contents thereof being then made known to her by me she thereupon declared that she did voluntarily sign seal and acknowledge the same without the fear of or coercion of her said husband and that she is still satisfied therewith.  In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal Notarial at Tiffin in said Seneca County the day and year last herein above written.
                                                            Wm Long  Notary Public Seneca Co. Ohio

This deed was filed for Record October 9th 1848 & Recorded October 10th 1848.
                                                             R.M.C. Martin  Recorder Seneca County Ohio

FHL Film No. 0382643, Vol 20, Page 89

John W. Souder & wife
(Deed) to
Joseph Souder

Know all men by these presents That we John W. Souder and Elizabeth A. Souder wife of the said John W. Souder of the County of Sandusky in the State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of five hundred Dollars to them paid by Joseph Souder of the County of Seneca in said State of Ohio the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and do hereby grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Joseph Souder his heirs and assigns forever the following premises situate in the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio and described as follows to wit:  The North part of the East half of North West quarter of Section one (1) in Township three (3) Range sixteen (16) in the County of Seneca aforesaid containing thirty Eight acres be the same more or less - To Have And To Hold the said granted premises with the appurtenances unto the said Joseph Souder his heirs and assigns forever.  And the said John W. Souder and his said wife for themselves and their heirs do hereby covenant with the said Joseph Souder his heirs and assigns that until the execution and delivery of these presents they were lawfully seized of the granted premises aforesaid that the said granted premises are free and Clear from all incumbrances whatsoever and that they will forever Warrant and Defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said Joseph Souder his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all person whomsoever.  In Testimony whereof the said John W. Souder and his said wife Elizabeth A. Souder have hereunto set their hands and seals this twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty Eight.
                                                                  John W. Souder       Seal
                                                                  Elizabeth A. Souder  Seal

Signed Sealed and acknowledged
in presence of us
N. Redd
Sarah Huss

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

On this twelfth day of December A.D. 1848 before me the undersigned a ___ in and for said County personally appeared the above named John W. Souder and Elizabeth A. Souder his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing the above Deed of conveyance to be their voluntary act and deed.  And the said Elizabeth A. Souder being at the same time examined by me separate and apart from her said husband touching the execution of said Deed and the contents thereof being then made known to her by me she thereupon declared that she did voluntarily sign seal and acknowledge the same without the fear or coercion of her said husband and that she is still satisfied therewith.
                                                                       Nathaniel Redd J.P.   Seal
Witness my hand and seal

This Deed was filed for Record January 17th 1849 & Recorded Same Day.
                                                         R.M.C. Martin Recorder Seneca County Ohio

FHL Film No. 0382643, Vol 20, Page 90

Joseph Souder & wife
(Deed) to
John W. Souder

Know all men by these presents That we Joseph Souder and Angaline, his wife of the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio for and in consideration of the sum of twenty Eight hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by John W. Souder of the County of Sandusky in the State of Ohio aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted remised released and quit claimed and do hereby grant remise release and forever quit claim unto the said John W. Souder and unto his heirs and assigns two certain Lots of Land situated in the County of Seneca and State of Ohio to wit:  One being a part of the West half of the South West quarter of Section thirty one (31) Township two (2) North Range fifteen (15) in the Delaware Land District Ohio and beginning for the same on the North side of Honey Creek where the Township line between Township two (2) North Range fourteen & fifteen crosses the same. Thence North on & along said Township line to the quarter post set for Section thirty one (31) Thence East on the centre line of said Section twenty one chains to a stake. Thence Southwardly parallel to said Township line twenty three (23) chains to a stake. Thence West ten chains & fifty links to a stake on the West side of said Honey Creek and thence with the meanders thereof to the beginning containing seventy acres of Land more or less. - And one described as follows to wit: a small piece of land off of the South end of West half of the West half of the South West quarter of Section thirty one (31) in Township two (2) North of Range fifteen (15) in said Seneca County & State of Ohio and being all of said tract lying South of Honey Creek and bounded as follows to wit commencing at a stone planted in the bend of Honey Creek and on the East bank of the South side of said Creek and running from thence __ due East course until it intersects the Eastern boundary line of said Joseph Souders farm and from thence running a Northerly direction to said Honey Creek and thence running along said Honey Creek with the meandering thereof to the place of beginning containing two acres of land be the same more or less - To Have And To Hold the granted premises aforesaid with the privileges and appurtenances thereof and all their right title interest Estate claim or demand either in law or equity of in and to the same unto the said John W. Souder and unto his heirs and assigns forever.  In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this fourth day of January A.D. 1849
                                                                 Joseph Souder     Seal
                                                                 Angeline Souder   Seal
In presence of
N. Redd
Catharine ? Burnie

The State of Ohio
Seneca County

On this fourth day of January A.D. 1849 before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for said County personally appeared the above named Joseph Souder and Angeline Souder his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing the above Deed of conveyance to be their voluntary act and deed.  And the said Angeline Souder being at the same time examined by me separate and apart from her said husband touching the execution of said deed and the contents thereof being then made known to her by me she thereupon declared that she did voluntarily sign seal and acknowledge the same without the fear or coercion of her said husband and that she is still satisfied therewith.
                                                              Nathaniel Redd J.P.  Seal
Witness my hand and seal
This Deed was filed for Record January 17th 1849 & Recorded Same Day
                                             R.M.C. Martin Recorder Seneca County Ohio

Information on this page was contributed by Cherry Kinnunen at