Bible Records

John Wesley Souder Bible

This bible was printed in 1880 by A.J. Holman & Co., 1020 Arch Street, Philadelphia.  The last known owner was John William Souder, deceased, of San Diego, CA.

(pg 1)

This certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between J.W. Souder of Seneca Co., Ohio and Elizabeth A. Ellis of Seneca Co., Ohio on Sixteenth of August 1842 at the brides parents by Geo. W. Breckenridge, Minister of the Gospel.
Witness:  Robert Crum
              Jesse Stem

(pg 2)

This is to certify that John Wesley Souder of the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio and Elizabeth Aberilla Ellis of the County of Seneca in the State of Ohio were joined together in HOLY MATRIMONY on the Sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty two.
                                                                         By Me
In Presence of                                                                 Geo. W. Breckenridge
         Robert Crum                                                           Minister of the Gospel
         Jefse (sic) Stem

(pg 3)


Ann C. Souder and
P. W. Jordan were > > > > > > > > > > > > >one son, Jessie Jordan
married April 14th, 1868

Susan O. (Olevia) Souder and
(Robert) R.H. Gittinger were > > > > > > > >one daughter, Allie Gittinger
married Jan. 25th, 1870.

Allie Gittinger and
Harry Andrew Taylor were > > > > > > > > >daughter, Hazel May Taylor 1901
married (Dec. 3rd, 1891)  > > > > > > > > > >son, Robert Andrew Taylor 1907

Wm D. Souder and
I.D. Patterson were > > > > > > > > > > > >(one daughter, Netta B. Souder)
married March 28th, 1876.

William D. Souder and
Hazel Rodgers were > > > > > > > > > > > >one son, John W.(illiam) Souder
married Feb. 15, 1913

Virginia C. Souder and      J.A. Souder and                 John W. Souder and
S.D. Trout were               Lizzie Snyder were            Dorothy M. Griffiths were
married Dec 25th, 1878     married Dec 25th, 1879      Married July 31st, 1942
                                                                              at Angola, Indiana

(pg 4)


John W. Souder         16                                  (Information omitted, person still living.)
was born Feb. 4th, 1823  (sic)

Elizabeth A. Ellis
was born Feb. 4th, 1823                                    (Information omitted, person still living.)

Ann C. Souder
was born July 12th, 1843

Susan O. Souder
was born Jan. 13th, 1846

Wm D. Souder > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >son, John William Souder
was born Feb. 28th, 1849                                 was born Feb. 21, 1918
                                                                      in Charlotte, Mich.

Jno. A. Souder > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >son, Ira Souder
was born July 25th, 1851

Virginia C. Souder  > > > > > > > > > > > > > >son, Arthur Trout
Was born Nov. 20th, 1856                             >daughter, Pearl Trout (Jameson)
                                                                   >son, Roy Trout (adopted by his
                                                                       uncle, John A. Souder)

(pg 5)


Ann C. Souder wife of                                     William David Souder, husband of
P. W. Jordan died                                            Hazel M. Souder, died March 18th,
June 12, 1874                                                 1928 at Charlotte, Mich.

Elizabeth A. Souder                                          Hazel M. Rodgers Souder, wife of
wife of J.W. Souder                                         William David Souder, died Nov. 19,
died Aug. 22nd, 1887                                        1948 at Grand Ledge, Mich.

John W. Souder died                                        Nettie B. Souder Thayer
April 20th, 1905                                               daughter of Wm. D. Souder died
                                                                      Dec. 18, 1964 at Lansing, Mich.
Ida D. Souder died
June 8th, 1911 age 54 b. 1857


The following data appears on loose sheets in the bible in an old style of handwriting.)

On Friday June 12th Mrs. Annie Jordan wife of Philip Jordan aged 30 years 11 months.
Funeral service was conducted by Revs. Fenneman nd Stock.
           Anna C. Souder was born July 12, 1843
           married Apr. 14th, 1868 died June 12, 1874

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

J. W. Souder born in fredrick (sic) Co. Maryland Feb. 4th 1816.  Died Apr. 20th, 1905.
Aged 89 yrs 2 mo and 16 days.  In 1836 moved with his parents to this State (Ohio), and lived
in Seneca Co. most of the time, until the yr. 1889.  In yr 1842 he was united in marriage
to Elizabeth Ellis, whose death occurred Aug. 22nd, 1887.  To this union there were born
five children of which 2 have preceded him.  Nov. 1888 he reunited in marriage to Mrs.
Louis Hoskins of Lansing, Mich who with an aged sister, Mrs. Thomas Baltzell and 
(daughter) Mrs. Robert Gittinger (survives).
          7 grand and 4 great grand (children)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Births of c(hildren) of David Souders Family

Sarah Ann Souder, Born Jan. 10th, 1809
Jemima Souder, Born May 11th, 1813
John W. Souder, Born Feb. 4th, 1816
Joseph Souder, Born April 2nd, 1818
Caroline Souder, Born Jan 12th, 1824
Catharine Souder, Born May 19th, 1827
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
David Souder & Sarah Weaver were married Oct. 24th, 1805.

David Souder died Jan 10th, 1844 aged 59 years 3 months and 2 days

Sarah his wife died August 21st, 1834, aged 45 years 6 months and 3 days

Words in ( ) are mine and are for clarification. Ruth Brill

Information submitted by Ruth Brill at


The following record was copied from the death record in The Ingham County Clerk's office, Mason, Michigan by Arlynn G. Gantz on 16 May 1983.

Libre 3  Page 57  Record #1699

John W. Souder

Died                   20 April 1905
                          Male  White  Married
Aged                   80 years 2 mos & 16 days
Place of death      Lansing Township
Cause of death     Old age - Broncho pneumonia
Birthplace            Maryland
Father                 David Souder born Maryland
Mother                Sarah Weaver

The following was also copied by Arlynn G. Gantz.
"STATE REPUBLICAN'  (Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan)
Edition of Friday Evening, April 21, 1905  Page 1  Col 7
*Newspapers on microfilm in the Library of Michigan in Lansing.


John W. Souder died last night of catarrhal pneumonia at his home near Waverly Park.  The deceased was 80 years old and had been a resident of Michigan for 16 years.  He was born in Maryland in 1816 and at the age of 23 moved to Ohio, where he resided until he came to this state 16 years ago.  A wife and three children survive him.  The children are William Souder of Charlotte (MI), Albert Souder and Mrs. Getinger (Gittinger) of Tiffin, Ohio.

The funeral will be held Sunday at 12:30.  Rev. C.E. Perry will conduct the services.  The body will be taken to Tiffin, Ohio for burial on Monday morning.

(I believe his age was 89 years.  The Family Bible records, his tombstone in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Tiffin, Ohio and his obituary all indicate that he was born in 1816 and died in 1905.  Ruth Brill)



William David Souder, oldest son of John W. and Elizabeth Souder was born near Clyde, Ohio, February 28, 1849, and died at his home in Charlotte (MI), March 18, 1928.  He spent his childhood days near Tiffin, Ohio.

March 28, 1876, he was united in marriage to Miss Ida D. Patterson to whom was born one daughter, now Mrs. Netta Thayer of Battle Creek (MI).  Her mother died June 8, 1911.  February 15, 1913 he was unite in marriage to Miss Hazel Rogers (sic) and to this union was born one son, John William.  Mr. Souder has resided in and near Charlotte (MI) for a number of years and has proven to all who know him, the high standard of manhood for which he always stood.  He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and two children mentioned; one brother, J.A. Souder of Gibsonburg, Ohio, together with a large number of other relatives and friends.

The funeral was held from the residence, 109 West Shepard (sic) street, Charlotte, Wednesday afternoon March 21, at two o'clock.  Rev L. W. Stone of the Methodist church officiating.  Interment at Maple Hill.


(The following obituary was also pasted in the J.W. Souder Family Bible.  All words in ( ) are mine.  Ruth Brill)

Enquirer & News, Battle Creek, Michigan, Dec. 19, 1964.
Mrs. D. Wayne Thayer

CHARLOTTE -- Mrs. Nettie B. Thayer, 86, a former Charlotte resident, who has been living in Lansing, died Friday evening at St. Lawrence Hospital, Lansing, where she had been a patient for two weeks.  She was born in Tiffin, Ohio, a daughter of William and Ida (Patterson) Souder, and came to Charlotte as a child.  She was married Dec. 22, 1904, in Charlotte to D. Wayne Thayer, a farmer.  He died Oct. 7, 1933.  Mrs. Thayer is survived by a half-brother, John Souder of San Diego, Calif.


The many friends of W.D. Souder and family in this vicinity were shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Souder at the Allopathic hospital, Ann Arbor (MI) at six-thirty o'clock Thursday evening last, following an operation for adhesions of the gall, May 22.  She had been in usual health up to five weeks before, although for years she had experienced more of less stomach trouble.  She was taken suddenly ill on Sunday afternoon five weeks before her death.  After two weeks of continued illness she went to Ann Arbor where her husband and their only child, Mrs. Nettie Thayer of Battle Creek (MI), accompanied her and remained to the last.  The body was brought to the home on Shepherd Street Friday afternoon and the funeral was held from there at one o'clock Sunday, Rev. H.H. Van Auken officiating.  Three appropriate duets were sung by Mrs. Gillette and Mrs. Sylvester.  Interment at Maple Hill Cemetery (Charlotte, MI).

Mrs. Souder was a native of Tiffin, Ohio, where she was born December 11, 1856.  She was married in 1876 to William D. Souder of the same place.  They moved here seven years later, buying the farm in Carmel which Mr. Souder still owns.  They built a house on West Henry Street, in this city, a few years later and lived there five years.  They also spent between one and two years on a trip to Oklahoma several years ago.  They had finally decided to leave the work of the farm to other hands and built a pretty modern house on Shepherd Street about a year ago, moving there last September.

Mrs. Souder was a home-loving woman, an ideal housekeeper and highly esteemed by all.  She was of a retiring disposition and one needed to know her well to appreciate her full worth.  The breaking up of the home when life seemed so full of promise is a matter of general regret.  Mr. and Mrs. Thayer will stay with Mr. Souder for the present and may remain permanently.  Mrs. Souder leaves, besides her husband and daughter, her father and mother in Tiffin, Ohio, a sister in Fort Worth and a brother in Longford, Kansas.  Her father, James Patterson, and the sister from Tiffin, Mrs. Mamie Schrickel, were present at the funeral, also other friends as follows:  Albert Souder of Tiffin, a brother of Mr. Souder, also a sister and husband from the same place; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pittinger, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jordan, William Murray and Mrs. Hattie Murphy, of Lansing (MI); Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maurer of Vermontville; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Van Wey of Olivet; and Miss Hazel Sebolt of Battle Creek.

(From her memorial card we learn that she died 8 June 1911 with funeral 11 June 1911.  The W.D. Souder and Mrs. W.D. Souder are unidentified newspaper clippings pasted in the J.W. Souder Family Bible. They undoubtedly are from a Charlotte, MI newspaper.)

The information on this page was submitted by Ruth Brill at