Virginia Deeds/Grants/Patents

Botetourt County Virginia Deeds/Grants

Adam SOWDER, 19 July 1790, Botetourt Co, 350 acres on Little River adjoining the land of Samuel Musgrove, Grants 22, 1789-91, p. 410

Adam SOWDER, 31 July 1797, Botetourt Co, 112 acres on the waters of Little River, adjoining his own land, Grants 37, 1797-98, p. 339

Jacob SOWDER, Botetourt Co, B Land Book by 1785, 110 acres, from John Russell

Jacob SOUDER, 27 July 1787, Botetourt Co, 100 acres on the Spreading Spring waters of James River, Grants 13, 1787, p. 381  Jacob and wife, Betty, sold this piece of land 11 April 1797 to George Rule.  (Note:  This is not the Jacob SOWDER of Montgomery Co VA, as in 1797 the Jacob Sowder of Montgomery Co VA wife's name was Anna, not Betty.)  Click here for transcriptions of these two deeds.

Jacob SOWDER, 26 July 1789, Botetourt Co, 448 acres on the head of Little River adjoining the land of Benjamin Hoff, Grants 21, 1789-90, p. 143. (In my notes from Margaret, I have this property was sold in 1803, Deed Book D, page 22).

Jacob SOWDER, 26 July 1789, Botetourt Co, 140 acres on the head of Little River adjoining the land of William Alridge and Stephen Lee, in consideration of the ancient composition of fifteen shilling sterling paid by Jacob Sowder into the treasury of the Commonwealth. Granted a parcel of 140 acres (by survey) unto Jacob Sowder assignee of Leonard Huff on Head of Little River. Grants 21, 1789-90, p. 141.  (According to Jim Souder this was granted by Governor Beverly Randolph. Jacob sold this land to this son Anthony Sowder on 5 Dec 1815 for $1.00. This land became a part of Floyd County in 1832.

Jacob SOWDER, 1798, Botetourt Co, 170 acres on South Fork (Roanoke ?).  (This info is in Kegley's Virginia Frontier," by F.B. Kegley, p. 580, in a chapter titled "Community Building on the Roanoke" in a section titled "New Lands on South Branch in Early Botetourt"



Lee County Virginia Deeds

Deed Bk 3, 1813-1820, Lee Co VA, page 441 - Indenture 8 March 1820 between Jonathan Sowders and wife Ann of Lee Co and Christian Plank of Claiborne Co TN for sum of $650 201 1/2 Ac Lee Co on south side of Powell River and North of Wallens Ridge, being devised by will from Wm. Robertson to Absalom Robinson to the said Jonathan Sowders and Anny his wife the patent bearing date of 27 Oct 1798.

Set by seal Jonathan Sowders (seal)
Ann (her x mark) Sowders (seal)

Click here for transcripts of when Jonathan purchased this property and when he sold it.

Montgomery County Virginia Brief of Deeds

"Annuals of Southwest Virginia," by Lewis Preston Summers

p. 936 Deed dated 29 May 1790/1799(?) from Moses BROWN, Grantor, to Jacob SOWERS, Grantee, consideration 164 pounds, 116 acres on Little River.

p. 937 Deed dated 24 September 1799 from Geo. *SOWERS  & Elizabeth his wife, Grantors, to Abijah BOOTH, Grantee, consideration 115 pounds, 50 acres on Little River

p. 937 Deed dated 24 September 1799 from Geo. *SOWERS & Elizabeth his wife, Grantors, to Jos. MOOR, consideration 130 pounds, 100 acres on Little River

p. 938 Deed dated 17 June 1799 from Humphrey SMITH, Grantor, to Jacob SOWDER, Grantee, consideration $100, 200 acres on Pine Run branch of Little River

p. 929 Deed dated 2 January 1797 from Saml. EASON & Nancy his wife, Grantors, to Henry *SOWERS, Grantee, consideration 78 pounds, 120 acres in Montgomery Co.

* Is this actually SOWDERS?

Montgomery County Virginia Grants

Daniel SOWDER, 26 Oct 1819, Montgomery Co, 80 acres on both sides of Big Run waters of the south fork of Roanoke, Grants 68, p. 358

Jacob SOWDER, 3 July 1816, Montgomery Co, 181 acres on Little River, Grants 66, p. 8

Michael SOWDER, 10 April 1815, Montgomery Co, 50 acres on both sides of the south fork of Roanoke adjoining John Barnett and the widow McNeely, Grants 65, p. 31

Michael SOWDER, 10 May 1817, Montgomery Co, 225 acres on both sides of the south fork of Roanoke adjoining land of the widow McNeely, the widow Stapleton, Grants 66, p. 321

Michael SOWDER, 21 Oct 1823, Montgomery Co, 80 acres on Barnett's Run, a branch of the south fork of Roanoke, Grants 73, p. 9

Michael SOWDER, 1 June 1853, Montgomery Co, 16 acres on waters of south fork of Roanoke, Grants 108, p. 492


"Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstractsof Virginia Land Patents andGrants"
Volume Four: 1732-1741

Patent Book No. 15, page 22-23.

Patent to Jacob Stover, 5,000 acres, dated 15 Dec 1733, p. 127, NL in St. Marks Par. Spottsylvania Co. on W. side of the Great Mountains, on the Shenandoah Riv., under the foot of the Great Mountains, at the foot of a naked mountain, at the upper end of a Large Island in the Riv., for divers good causes but especially for the importation of 100 persons to dwell within our Colony of Virginia whose names are:

Jacob, Catherine, Abraham, Christian, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Matthew, Sarah, Catherine, Anna, Susanna, Barbary, Dorothy, Rachel MILLER;

Jacob, Anna, Isaac, Abraham, John, Jacob, Joseph, Peter, George, Calpins, Christopher, Anna, Rachel, Catherine, Sarah, Susanna, Barbary, Dorothy, John, Anna, Jacob, John, Abraham, Isaac, Rosina, Susanna, Catherine, Ragley MIRE;

Henry, Catherine, Henry, John, Isaac, Catherine, Anna, Rachel SOWDER;

Henry, Christiana, Jacob, Henry, Paul, Rudy, Joseph, Peter, Isaac, John, Hannudy, Stophar, Susanna, Rachel, Barbara, Claplir, Margaret, Elizabeth HAIN;

John, Barbel, Rudy, Christopher., John, Matthew, Joseph, Isaac, Peter, David, William, Anna, Christiana, Trenly, Robby, Dorothy FUNK;

Jacob, Trina, Christian, John, Isaac, Rudy, Matthew, Stapher, Peter, Joseph, David, Jacob, Jane, Dorothy, Christiana SOWDER.