SMITH Family

First Generation

1. Philip Alan1 Smith was born before 12/1959, the first event for which there is a recorded date.

He married Joan Parker 12/1959. Joan was born 11/16/1936. She was the daughter of Harrie Floyd Parker and Blanche Ethelyn Bearce. Joan died 1983. Her body was interred in Pembroke, MA, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.

Philip Alan Smith and Joan Parker had the following children:

child 2 i. Alan David2 Smith was born on (birth date unknown).

child 3 ii. Kelley Jean Smith was born 7/13/1960.

child 4 iii. Stacey Lynne Smith was born 1/8/1962.

child 5 iv. James Philip Smith was born 10/30/1965.

child 6 v. Holly Gayle Smith was born 1966.

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