DAMON Family

First Generation

1. Elijah1 Damon was born before 12/16/1794, the first event for which there is a recorded date.

He married Deborah Soper.

Elijah Damon and Deborah Soper had the following child:

child 2 i. Betsey2 Damon was born in Pembroke, MA 12/16/1794. Betsey died 2/1/1886 at 91 years of age. Her body was interred in Pembroke, MA, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. She married Joseph Bearse 6/5/1811. Joseph was born in Pembroke, MA 8/9/1790. He was the son of Benajmin Bearce and Lydia Bisbee. Joseph died 1864. His body was interred in Pembroke, MA, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. (See Joseph Bearse for the continuation of this line.)

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