The Holodeck:

R&R: Chinchilla Style!

Ewok (beige) and Smurf (standard) at 1 hour old

If you have any funny stories, poems, song lyrics, top ten lists, cartoons, etc. that relate to chinchillas and you'd like them posted on this page please e-mail them to me. Thanks!

Top ten signs you've been around your chinchilla too long:

1. You've ever chewed on your husbands mustache to as a sign of affection.
2. You pick the raisins out of your cookies and raisin bran, and then eat the raisins and leave the rest.
3. You've ever sprayed urine at someone who's ticked you off.
4. Your dentist has ever given you a weird look for asking him why your teeth aren't orange.
5. If something scares you, you crawl into a corner and "bark" at it.
6. You trim your trees and gnaw on the branches.
7. You use your spouse as a pillow.
8. You refuse to take a bath in water, but love to roll around in the dust.
9. You can imitate a "baby squeak" perfectly.
10. You understand all of the things on this list!

Top 10 signs that you have been "chinchillinated" (you are addicted to chinchillas and there is no hope of recovery):

1. You bought a computer so you could find chinchilla stuff on the internet.
2. You remember your chinchilla's birthday but forget your anniversary.
3. You somehow manage to include chinchillas in every conversation you have.
4. You have a chinchilla webpage.
5. Your chinchilla has a gold-plated cage.
6. When singing "The Friendly Beasts" you wonder why there isn't a verse about chinchillas.
7. Your chinchilla has a bigger room than your kids.
8. You've ever tried to take a vacation to South America to see chinchillas in their wild habitat.
9. The only channel you watch on TV is animal planet, just in case they show a documentary on chinchillas.
10.You've never taken a biology class but can talk chinchilla genetics with the best of them.

The Transporter Room: Great Chinchilla Links!

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