
Collectible China Buttons

I enjoy collecting all types of buttons,
but china buttons are my favorites.
Shown here and on the pages to follow are some of my favorite chinas.
If you are unfamiliar with this type of button,
I hope that you'll find the descriptions and images helpful.
And if you are interested in finding out more
about these versatile and very collectible buttons,
please check the resource page.

The making of china buttons was revolutionized in 1840
when Richard Prosser patented a method
for producing these buttons in quantity.
Others refined the process and soon china buttons
were abundant and affordable.
These tiny treasures were manufactured in a wide variety
of colors, body styles, and decorative patterns.

So come and take a look at the great variety of

Collectible China Buttons...

maybe you'll find some of these in your grandmother's button box.

This site will be updated as my collection grows
so please check back again as I add lots of buttons to my site!

Special Feature...Salesman's Sample Card

This rare salesman's sample card shows over 100 china buttons
and includes gaiters, whistles, 2, 3, and 4-hole buttons,
calicoes, mounds...it's got it all!
There are even some butttons that you won't find in the
Guidelines for Collecting China Buttons.
Salesman's Sample Card


If you've visited this site before,
please check out what's new since your last visit.
Most recently I've added 2 competition cards...
one for medium chinas and one that calls for blue and brown chinas.
What's New

To start the tour of china buttons click next:

If you are looking for a particular type of button, click on the name below:

Calicoes * Stencils * Gaiters * Bull's-Eyes * Bird Cages * Whistles * Igloos *
China Mounds * Deep Wells * Banded-Ringers * Tires * Radiating-Line Rims *
Spoke and Circles * Panty-waists * Fisheyes * Pattern Eyes *
Pie Crusts *
Hobnails * Saw-Tooth * Inkwells * Dish Types * Saucers *
Three-Hole Chinas *

Button Competitions
(a sample of a tray entered into competition)

What's New

This site maintained by Judye Stewart
Member of The National Button Society
Texas State Button Society
Bluebonnet Button Club
The China Exchange
This new website is a cooperative effort of many china collectors
and you won't want to miss the beautiful buttons.

Supplies for Sale
I've designed and sell china button work card sets especially for the china collector.

StitchArt Buttons by Judye
Hand-stitched studio buttons made especially for the button collector.

Clipart Lines Copyright © Loraine Wauer Ferus

This site created on January 23, 1999.
Last updated on June 26, 2008.

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