(You are listening to "Wind Beneath My Wings")
It is dedicated to my Grandma Catherine-who is and always will be my "Hero"

My name is Patti but my given name is Patricia. I was born and raised in McLeansboro, a small town in Southern Illinois. My birthday is March 15. I'm the oldest of four girls, that's right no brothers unless you count my tomboy sister, Karen. (Only kidding K.K.)

I have four terrific kids, Amber, Ashleigh, Jordan and Dalton.

My favorite hobbies are endless actually, but I'll try to keep it to just a few of the top ones. I love to sew, especially country ruffled curtains and country dolls. Angels and rabbits are my favorites. I also enjoy baking and home decorating. My newest hobby includes this computer and the Internet. It can be so addictive, ya know!

Things I like:
Mt. Dew
The color blue
Spring and Fall
The smell of fresh mowed grass
All animals
White chocolate
Country music

Things I dislike:
Doing dishes
Head banging music
Useless criticism *the kind that hurts*
(I want my feet on the ground at all times)

Well I guess that's enough about me and now I'd like you to meet the rest of my gang.

My Kids

For more on my children click on their name below.

Meet my sisters and parents.
My sisters and parents
This is the only photo I have of my sisters and parents all together.
I am the oldest, then Teri, Karen and Kelly is the baby.

My Grandma
Since this is my home on the web, it wouldn't be complete without my Grandma.
She has played a big part in who I am today.

Who Will Take Grandma?

Who will take Grandma? Who will it be?
All of us want her, I'm sure you'll agree.
Let's call a meeting, let's gather the clan,
Let's get it settled as soon as we can.
Strange how we thought she'd never wear out,
But see how she walks, arthritis, no doubt.
Her hearing is failing, her memory is dim,
She is apt to insist on the silliest whim.
She must have a home, the question is where.
When people get older, they become such a care.
Remember the days she used to be spry,
Bake her own cookies and make her own pie,
Helped us with our lessons, and tended our seams,
Kissed away our troubles and mended our dreams?
Wonderful Grandma! We all love her so,
Isn't it dreadful, she's no place to go?
One little corner is all she would need,
A shoulder to cry on, her bible to read,
A chair by the window, the sun shining through,
Some pretty spring flowers still covered with dew.
Who'll warm her with love so she won't mind the cold?
Oh, who will take Grandma now she is old?
What, nobody wants her? Oh yes, there is one
Willing to give her a place in the sun,
Where she won't have a worry or wonder or doubt,
And she won't be a problem to bother about.
Before too long now God will give her a home,
But who'll dry our tears when Grandma is gone?

Grandma Catherine

Alzheimer's Outreach

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