RADIO JACKIE (Download 261kb) or streamed audio!

Hear an amazing clip of 'Uncle Phil Hazleton' (ex-Kaleidoscope) from one of the legendary Christmas broadcasts.

The first FM Broadcast (download 120kb) or streamed audio!

Dave Stephens opens the station on 240metres(download 116kb) or streamed audio!

Address, 70, Walton Road, East Molesey, Surrey and latterly Radio Jackie, West Molesey, Surrey.

From small beginnings on the 'pirate' Helen Broadcasting Network, to its own transmitter and a regular radio service for over fifteen years, Radio Jackie became the 'pirates pirate'. Where they led others followed. With entertaining programmes and a good quality signal covering most of South London, this was the most reliable of all the land based 'Sunday' stations.

Almost never failing to appear, Jackie began as a weekly, half hour broadcast on the Helen Network and following the closure of the network in April 1969, began to broadcast using its own transmitter on the Helen frequency of 1525khz. As Jackie moved from the confines of houses to mobile transmissions, (from farms, fields and parks in the south west London area) power was increased to 50 watts and improved broadcasting aerials, now strung between two trees and a better earth connection, meant an improvement in reception for most listeners.

Jackie changed wavelength around 1969, first to 255metres then to 227metres, 1331khz (latterly 1332khz keeping in line with the shift in European frequencies in the late 70's.) where (apart from the occasional change of frequency during 'holiday and special broadcasts') the station remained until the mid-eighties. Radio Jackie was also the first FM pirate with Saturday night transmissions from February 1971 on 94.4FM, later joining the famous London Transmitter of Independent Radio which broadcast four nights a week.

After several high powered extended Christmas broadcasts, (favoured because the Radio Interference Department were less active over the holiday season(!) ) Radio Jackie engaged the services of a London lawyer who found a loophole in the Wireless Telegraphy Act. In 1983, for almost two years, Jackie broadcast 24 hours a day and became a legend on the London medium wave. When the loophole was finally plugged in 1984 (following a plethora of stations also starting up) Jackie was finally raided and closed for good. In 1996 the station applied for a legitimate broadcasting licence, which was to become available for their former transmission area but this was eventually denied, closing forever another chapter in landbased pirate history.

Jerry James at the Jackie '5' Transmitter, 1977

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