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If you can hear music, you're listening to "Go the Distance".

You can make a difference!

This page will be dedicated to all the men and women who are raising children without the benefit of the emotional and financial child support they so desperately need and justly deserve. In it, you will find helpful links and sources of information that will help you find that deadbeat parent and acquire financial child support from him/her. You'll also find links to as many Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) offices as I can possibly find on the internet. If I can't find them on the internet, I'll do my best to find their physical addresses and phone numbers for you. If you don't see it on a webpage here, leave me email. I'll do the research.

No child should be without the support and love of both parents. You'll notice this site isn't gender specific? This is a gender neutral issue. There are plenty of men *and* women who don't support their children financially. If we can't get these parents to love the children, the least we can do is get them to support these pieces of our future.

people have visited this site since December 22, 1997.

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