“Hate Evil, Cling to Good”
“……Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” - Romans 12:9

Let’s look at four words in the Greek to bring a fuller understanding of this scripture.

“Abhor” is apostugeo, from two Greek words - apo “away from” and stugeo “to hate”. Combined these two words mean, “to look with horror, detest, shudder, a hatred which
is expressed”
. The Christian is to express his hatred of evil by a withdrawal from it and
a loathing of it.

“Evil” is poneros, “evil or wicked morally or spiritually, harmful or deadly”.

“Cleave” is kollao, comes from the Greek word kolla which is the word for glue.
Thus, the meaning of
kollao is “glue to, cement, to join or fasten firmly together”.

“Good” is agathos, “be morally honorable, pleasing to God, beneficial or good”.

Based on the Greek, a more literal expanded translation would read,
“…..Look with hatred or horror to the point of shuddering at that which is evil, wicked morally or spiritually harmful or deadly. Stick like glue or cement to that which is good and pleasing to God.”


We are told to ABHOR (hate or detest) evil and we are encouraged to CLEAVE (be glued) to that which is good.

I believe in just these few words we see part of the problem in today’s society, and even worse,
it is applicable to many who call themselves “Christians”.

What has happened to the days of Christians hating, or shuddering at, evil and being grieved at the evil of our societies? I believe we are so bombarded with evil everywhere we turn that we have or are becoming desensitized to evil!

On the opposite scope of things, ARE WE CLINGING TO GOOD?
I think our grip has loosened up quite a bit. Why? Because we don’t see the need to CLING to the good. There is a lack of understanding on our part of how important and essential it is that we CLING to good. Oh, how we need to be clinging Christians when it comes to the things that please God (i.e. good things)!


Heavenly Father, we ask that you make this passage real to us. Help us to shudder at the evil in our society. May we become Christians that are glued to those good things that are pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.