"Treasure God's Word"
"Thy Word have I hidden in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee" - Psalm 119:11

I love the Psalms! Amongst the many great Psalms, I really enjoy Psalm 119. What a powerful Psalm exalting the Word of God!

Today, I would like us to briefly look at
Psalm 119:11. Let's break down this wonderful verse.

"THY WORD" - It is God's Word, not man's word, let us remember that. It is God's word that makes a difference in our lives!

"HAVE I HIDDEN IN MINE HEART" - Hidden also means "lay up" or "treasured". I must individually hide/lay up/treasure God's Word in my heart. No one else can hide it/lay up/ treasure it into my heart. I must do it! Do you treasure God's Word? Do you just want to hide it away (treasure it) in the depths of your heart? The heart is the innermost part of man. Don't hide it in your mind, or your intellect, no. . .hide/treasure it in YOUR HEART! We should all pray this, "O, Lord, may Your Word be treasured in my heart!"

Matthew Henry reiterates this thought so wonderfully in the following quote:

"God's word is a treasure worth laying up, and there
is no laying it up safely but in our hearts; if we have
it only in our houses and hands, enemies may take it
from us; if only in our heads, our memories may fail
us: but if our hearts be delivered into the mould of it,
and the impressions of it remain on our souls, it is safe."

"THAT I MIGHT NOT SIN AGAINST THEE" - Sin also means miss the mark, to go wrong. When God's word is treasured away in our heart, it will help us to not sin. Sinning against man (i.e., wife, husband, brother, sister, church member, etc.) is bad, but you need to see that, more than all else, SIN is AGAINST GOD! So one thing that will help you to not SIN against God is to treasure the Word in your HEART.

Matthew Henry reiterates this thought so wonderfully in the following quote:

"That I might not sin against thee.
Good men are afraid of sin, and are in care to prevent it;
and the most effectual way to prevent it,
is to hide God's word in our hearts,
that we may answer every temptation,
as our Master did, with, It is written.....

Closing Devotional Thought:
"I have NEVER met a Christian who had too
much of God's Word in his HEART, it's impossible!
Get FULL of God's Word, it will make a difference!"
