Mem's House

25 July 2003

Hello, and welcome to Mem's World! Changes and additions are now underway, so be prepared for some construction delays! Due to that fact as you look at the other pages I have here, you will have to use your browsers back button to return to my home page before you can check out the other pages that I do have. I do apologize for this problem, and I am working to correct things, but it takes time!! So in advance I do thank you for your understanding and patience!!


Special thought for today!!

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again." - Og Mandino

I'm dividing these pages into basically two types of areas. The first of those are here to help people, maybe even save a life! You will learn about MADD, and how you can help. Do you realize that every thirty minutes someone dies because of a drunk driver? That is a statistic that I find unacceptable and hope that you will to! So head off for the Memories page and learn why I became involved with MADD. On Mems page you'll find information on Fibromyalgia. FMS is something I've lived with for years! The Poems page is exactly that...poems that I have found and have some meaning behind them. Of course I certainly hope that you will stop by my newest page...I have been researching my family history, and it is absolutley fascinating! The things that one finds while looking backwards at their ancestors... To make it easier for to share what I find I am adding a page on Genealogy.

Genealogy page
Genealogy Table of Contentsupdated 25 July 2003
Special Thoughts.

At this time I don't have a guestbook for you to sign, but you can always send me an email

Thanks to all my special friends!!

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