Isn't it strange how you can live in a country for years and never really think about the things around you. I was born and lived in Scotland for a long time then I recently moved to Texas...and yes, I've become one of those Scots who suddenly realised what I miss about home!

I miss the food, theres nothing like a big bottle of Irn Bru, salt and shake crisps, macaroon bars, and square sliced sausage covered in brown sauce! I even miss (dare I say it?) the weather!! I like living in Texas but I wanted to make this wee page up to remind me and others of sit back,pour yourself a wee cuppa and I hope you enjoy!

Pictures of Scotland

Famous Scots

Scottish Recipes

Scottish Links

Scottish Songs

Scottish Jokes




O Flower of Scotland

When will we see

Your like again,

That fought and died for

Your wee bit Hill and Glen

And stood against him

Proud Edward's Army,

And sent him homeward

Tae think again.

The Hills are bare now

And Autumn leaves lie thick and still

O'er land that is lost now

Which those so dearly held

That stood against him

Proud Edward's Army

And sent him homeward

Tae think again.

Those days are past now

And in the past they must remain

But we can still rise now

And be the nation again

That stood against him

Proud Edward's Army

And sent him homeward,

Tae think again.

0 Flower of Scotland

When will we see

Your like again,

That fought and died for

Your wee bit Hill and Glen

And stood against him

Proud Edward's Army,

And sent him homeward

Tae think again.





Glasgow Web SiteVisit my home city
Glasgow, Scotland



You are visitor # since Mar. 29, 1998

I have had so many problems with my old guestbook I had to get a new apologies to all the people who signed my old book.. but I didn't remove your name..honest!!

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