Sharon's Haven

The Forest Speaks by Bjorn Lynne

Welcome to my "Haven"


"Happiness is not the absence of problems;
but the ability to deal with them."

My interests are my family, Genealogy,
anything Celtic, the Denver Broncos, and
needlework such as Cross Stitch
and Hardanger.

Check out my Mom's great site.
You will find a lot of interesting and helpful information
for parents of children with special gifts and needs!

I have invested a lot of time and effort in creating the
backgrounds and graphics for my pages.
If you wish to use any of these graphics,
please upload the file to your own server!
Please give credit and place a link back to my site using the logo below.
Also e-mail me so I can see and enjoy your site.

Link to Sharon's Haven

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The beautiful note card on this page
was found at this site.

The background music on this page was composed by Bjorn Lynne.

Listen to Bjorn Lynne's new fantasy music album

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Created on 2/18/99