Michigan Railroads

This page is intended to be an informational source on Michigan Railroads for everyone to share. Any information or pictures you may have on any listed or unlisted railroads would be greatly appreciated. Suggestions are also very welcome.

Because I am a college student and am focusing my energies on becoming a teacher, site content updates will probably be few and far between for the next couple years until I settle into my teaching career. I just don't have time to get out and take pictures and stay current on information. For the most recent news on Michigan railroads and any questions you may have, I highly recommend joining the "Michigan Railroads" discussion group on Yahoo! Groups. It is a very active group and there are many knowledgable members who can answer questions that at this time I cannot answer. Thank you for visiting my site and I hope that it may be of same value to you!

HESR 201

Last Updated 12 November 2002.
Content Last Updated 13 June 2000.
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