Welcome to ClubHouse Daycare

ClubHouse Day Care is located in Lynchburg, in the heart of Central Virginia. Having operated a state-licensed home day care in Washington state for seven years, I have relocated to the banks of the James River at the foot of the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. A home-based day care facility, it provides a full-day program of child care featuring educational and social activities geared toward teaching children to get along well together and stimulating their intellectual development. My goal is to provide your child with a happy, safe and educational environment.

Admission Requirements and Enrollment Procedures
Each new child entering my home should visit prior to placement. Visits are scheduled at the mutual convenience of the parents and myself. This is to give the parent and the child an opportunity to meet me and some of the children. It also gives you a chance to see the day care environment and to see how my program is run. This visit helps to reduce any fears that the child may have and see how this particular child will fit into this program.

Meal and Snacks
I will provide meals as long as your child is here during our scheduled meal times. Meals are always varied. We include all food groups in our diet with an emphasis on fresh fruit and fruit juices. Since children are often hungry an hour after eating, and I encourage consumption of healthy snacks. Fruit is available for your child at any time. Provision can be made by the parent(s) for any types of food allergies, baby foods, formula, or other special foods needed for your child. If your child is having a birthday, please remind me and we will make it a special day for them. You are more than welcome to bring a treat or something special from home. Otherwise, we will make cupcakes or ice cream sundaes.

Hours of Operation
My home is open 11 hours a day, five days a week, from 7:00AM to 6:00PM. I will make some exceptions with advance approval.

Spanking and any other form of corporal punishment are prohibited in my home. Discipline shall be based on an understanding of each individual's needs and development, and will be designed to help that individual develop inner control, acceptable behavior and respect for other' rights. If necesaary, Time Out will be used to assist the individual child's develpoment.

Child Abuse or Neglect
If I suspect that a child is suffering abuse and/or neglect, I will report my suspicions to my licensor as well as Child Protective Services as required by law.

Miscellaneous Information
For a look at the Parents' Handbook, click here.

Child Care Links
Click here for Child Care Links

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