My personal story

It all started for me in the year 1975 in a town just outside San Diego, California, called El Cajon. My mom and Dad had divorced the year before and mom and I were doing it alone. If I remember correctly, we went to the worlds fair in Washington with my grandma and my cousin. While we were there, we went past the Mormon Pavillion. They had these nicely dressed young men handing out a book. I am sure there was more to it but, as a young child I didn't realize the importance behind what was about to happen.

We came back home and shortly there after two youn men that to me looked exactly like the others came by. They started teaching mom and I about the origins of that book (The Book of Mormon) to me as a child I took what they had to say as truth, we got to the lesson where they challenged us to pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Looking back I realize the challenge was made mostly to my mom, but I prayed too. For three nights I prayed by myself,after I said my prayers with my mom. By the third night I knew what I wanted to do.

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints children arent baptized until they reach the age of accountability (age 8) and I was to young. So I just waited. Mom was baptized in 1975 and we contiued to attend church regularly

I was baptized in Feb. 1977, by my step-dad, who mom met through a friend at church. I would like to use ths page as to answer questions people may have about the church. Since Larry and I met, I have come to realize that there are a lot of misconceptions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I will also put links to some very informational pages as time goes by.

My Favorite Church Sites

The Official Site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Bible and The Book of Mormon a very informative site

President Hinkley Speaks out to Larry King Live