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Connect and Set Up
Christian Command 


After downloading and installing ChristianCommand, follow these directions to setup your connection to StarChat.Net and #seeking-his-face. Click on the above graphic to download ChristianCommand. If you choose the latest version, v5 you will also need to install the patch 5.01 which fixes a couple of bugs in the original version.


First, please open the current servers list. Try selecting one that is near your location. If you find you have problems with it, you may always add a new server at a later date. Use the Random Server if you have trouble connecting.

After installing Christian Command,  open the programme by clicking on the icon or going through the start menu. CC incorporates mIRC for chatting so some of the following instructions are the same as for mIRC.


After the main program window opens you should then see the mIRC Setup window.
If it does not appear automatically simply click on yellow folder icon or File > Setup.

1. If you have a StarChat entry in the drop down list, click on EDIT. If you do not, click on ADD. Either of these will bring up the mIRC Edit Server window, illustrated below.

2. Here is where you enter the server information from the current servers list.

Enter a name for this server connection, such as StarChat, location
IRC Server:
Enter the server name EXACTLY how it appears on the server list
6667 is always the default. If others are listed, you may add those, separated by a comma. Do not use spaces.
Click OK to close and save.

3. Complete the information in the mIRC Setup window.

Full Name:
Give yourself a name. It is not wise to list your name. Don't make yourself an easy target for someone who may wish to harass you.
E-Mail Address:
Again, for safety's sake, use a blind or fictitious address.
Enter what you would like to be known as during the chat. Try the same handle you had on Live Universe.
Enter an alternate choice for a nickname should your first choice be in use. Often people add a special character ( ^, -, or _ ) to their nick.
It is advised to check this box. This hides you from people doing a blanket search for people connected to the network, however you remain visible to those that search for your exact nickname.


4. Click Connect to IRC Server! You will be on your way. Should you be unable to connect to the server you have selected, simply repeat the above steps 1 and 2, trying a different server.



4a. Upon a successful connection, the window will open with a greeting from Christian command and you will find yourself in the christian command channel. To change this so that you enter Seeking His Face channel instead, click on ChristianCommand in the MenuBar. Choose General Settings a.

From the dropdown menu click on Auto.


Click on Clear List. Type in #seeking-his-face exactly as it is written and click Add. Make sure the Auto Join Box is ticked (checked). This will ensure you always arrive in Seeking His Face 

In this screen you may also enter your password and check the auto identity so that you don't always have to identify yourself when you have registered your nickname.


The other way to enter Seeking His Face is to click on the Open Channels Folder icon in the MenuBar.

The Channels Folder then opens.

5. Enter the name of the channel EXACTLY: #seeking-his-face. Anything else and you will be sitting in a room by yourself!

Click the ADD button to add this channel to your list. (On future visits you may skip this step.)

6. Scroll to #seeking-his-face in your mIRC Channels Folder window.
Click on it.

Click on join.

You should receive a welcome message from Chanserv inviting you to relax and get comfy in Seeking His Face.You type in the grey bottom part of the window and press enter.
We look forward to seeing you.

If you are still having problems please enter Seeking His Face through the java entry and ask for some assistance from one of our operators (people with an @ beside their names) or from one of the operators in the #starchat channel.

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