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  One day a woman dreamed she went to heaven....
While walking in a garden with Jesus, they came to a stream, where  they seated river scene themselves in the shade of one of the trees, which were along the bank.
  Some events had happened in her life that had seemed so hard, at the time, to surmount; so now she turned to the Lord and asked him why she had had to endure them.Taking her hands in His, He looked deeply into her eyes. "Watch!" He said.
  Jesus leant down and picked up a lump of   clay from the bank of the river. He began to pummel and pound the lump, and then to knead it, like dough. After some time of working the clay, it became malleable in His hands, and He began  to mould it. The woman watched as Jesus squeezed and pinched the clay, and in time the lump took on the rudimentary form of a cup.
Sorry your browser doesn't support Java(tm).  Jesus continued working on the vessel, using His fingers softly to remove bumps and even the width of the rim. Gently the Lord ran His fingertips over the interior and exterior of the cup, smoothing the surfaces until He was satisfied that all parts of the cup were perfect. Then He held it out to the woman.
"Behold, this is your life," he said to her, putting the cup into her hands.  "From the time you asked me to lead your life I have been moulding and forming you into a vessel for my use. Those times when life seemed toughest were when my hands were moulding you, shaping your formlessness,  just as they did the clay. Those periods of self doubt, of darkness in the tunnel, were when my fingertips  gently caressed away the rough edges, refining you, into the beautiful vessel you are today.
  Those trials that you faced are
My fingerprints on your life." 
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