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by Connie Wilson
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    The Angel of October… rejoices as we reap the harvest of what we have sown in life.  October is a good time to step back from our projects and our dreams and to take a hard look at what we have actually accomplished.  The October Angel helps us to be honest and objective about what is good and what is not.  With this help, we can face clearly the consequences of our choices over these past seasons.  We will taste our harvest and reject what is bitter or unripe; we will make note of what worked and what did not, and we will change for the better.  October’s Angel teaches us that the greatest fruit of our personal harvest is understanding ourselves
October Angel
Angels can fly because
they take themselves lightly!

dragon fly line

Consider.... In the bottom of an old pond lived some grubs, who could not understand why none of their group ever came back after crawling up the stems of the lilies, to the top of the water. They promised each other that the next one who was called to make the upward climb would return and tell the others what happened to him.



Soon one of them felt an urgent impulse to seek the surface, he rested himself on top of a lily pad and went through a glorious transformation which made a dragonfly, with beautiful wings. In vain he tried to keep his promise, flying back and forth over the pond, he peered down at his friends below. Then he realized that even if they could see him, they would not recognize such a radiant creature as one of their number.

The fact that we cannot see our friends or communicate with them after the transformation we call death is no proof that they cease to exist.

A man distraught by all the pain and suffering he saw all around him broke down and banged his fists into the dirt. His head turned upward and he yelled at his God. "Look at this mess. Look at all this pain and suffering. Look at all this killing and hate. God. Oh God! WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING!!" 
And his God spoke to him and said "I did. I sent you." 
                     cupid leftUse Your Gifts!  cupid right
We are all given gifts in this life. Some people have musical ability, some
are good listeners. Some have beautiful voices while others have wonderful memories. All are different but all are equally important to us. These are gifts, given to you, the recipient, by God and when you use your gifts you
are giving the gift of joy to God.



I was told many years ago that my purpose in life was to discover my purpose. Well, I thought that really narrows it down, thanks for that bit of enlightening information. To think that I had paid good money to a reputable Medium in hopes of picking up a pointer or two only to depart from the reading with no clear sign as to which way to go. A flashing red arrow that said take this road, open this door, try this, do that but… no, I left there with the only guidance system I knew of… my heart.

Now the heart is a wonderful gift and has brought me much joy over the years but along with the joy has come sorrow and disappointment as well,
so to continue to trust my heart was not all that reassuring for me. My back was so damaged that I was in pain all the time and couldn’t do much of anything. I guess the good Lord saw that I was trying to clean up my act so he sent a little help my way in the form of a free ticket to a psychic demonstration. I went.. of course… it was free! To my amazement, I was singled out of the large audience and the Medium, "Phyllis Tantrum of New Zealand" asked me to meet with her.



That free ticket changed my life. It filled the emptiness in my heart and satisfied my desire to do service to people. Thanks to my involvement with the Cowichan Spiritualist Church of Healing and Light and its Healers, my back is much better. Better in fact than it has been in 25 years. The gifts that I possess are not numerous. I don’t sing well, I hate anything to do with arithmetic and can’t spell either for that matter. I felt this was a curse but looking back it probably prevented me from getting involved in some high paying time consuming job that would have prevented me from developing my psychic abilities. The talents I did have for sewing and art enabled me to keep zippers in pants and curtains on the windows and have my meager surroundings quite pretty. The rest of my talents were nothing more than brute labour, but they kept food on the table and although I have grown pretty sick of deer meat over the years, but I will still crawl over broken glass for a fresh sockeye salmon or a feed of crab.

I guess the point I am trying to get across is that whatever talents we have, we should use them to their fullest. And be grateful for being able to sew, crochet, knit, draw, paint, construct, sing, be a responsible parent, bake, play a musical instrument, provide a loving home or lend a sympathetic ear. For these common talents are not possessed by everyone and I think God made us that way on purpose so that we could all be unique, all different, all special people with gifts and knowledge to share with each other.

God also gave each and every one of us a light, a part of Himself that shines eternally within us. As I see it, this part of God is our compasses, our guiding lights that draw us together in places such as this, that cause us too, to be drawn to other people. There is a saying that states that "Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous." I don’t believe that coincidences exist, I believe that each person we meet and each situation we face are put before us for a purpose, put their with love from God to enable us to grow, to learn, to grow stronger and wiser with each experience we face and each person we meet. CW
God gives every bird his worm... but 
He does not throw it into the nest.

star ani gold

angel baby blue

I Wonder?
I wonder what you would do, if upon your lawn of green 
Lay a ragged, dirty stranger, the likes you've never seen .
Would you welcome him and feed him or be horrified instead? 
(What ever would the neighbours think!) is going through your head . 
Would you view the muck and mire that is caked upon his feet 
And ask him please to shower, before he takes a seat . 
Would you slip him twenty dollars and say " Please, please go away!"
"The neighbours wouldn't understand, if I ask you to stay" . 
Would you say "Come in and welcome to this our home and please 
Sit down and rest your weary feet, while I put on some tea"
If Jesus came to your house, I wonder what you'd do 
Do you think you'd recognize Him? I sure wonder what I'd do! 
He's my brother, He's my mentor but I've been programmed in my head To avoid all strange and dirty folks, lest I should end up dead . 
It's fear I think, installed from birth that has tightened up my heart 
And I beg you God, to help me now, so I can do my part . 
For in each and every being, lives a part of Jesus too
And I want to recognize this in, all people just like you . 
If Jesus comes to my house, let me please welcome HIM and be 
Every bit as loving as HE would be to me. CW 
horn feather


Native American Prayer

Oh, Great Spirit Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
Hear me, I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes
ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand
the things you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden
in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my Spirit may come to you without shame.
Chief Yellow Lark, Lakota
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A little about myself, my life and even a photo or two.
the work I do and healing.
more of my poetry & a few favourites
Updated Feb.4/99
visiting mediums and workshops in the Cowichan Valley
writing done in trance
Included here are site with awesome graphics and spiritually enlightening messages & poems.
Back to:
Sandy's Falcon, Angels Among Us, Lying King, Cowichan Spiritualist Church & more.
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small canadian flag
Contact: Bill Lalonde @ 1-250-763-8239
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