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To Sharon's New Beginnings Index

I'd like to start out by saying first of
all that I'm glad you've found this page and
hope that you take the time to read through
the poems here and elsewhere on my site.
Secondly, I'd like to dedicate this page to
my online sis, Dianne, for without her patience
and assistance these pages would not be possible.
Thirdly, I want to thank my family, for their
love and patience in putting up with
all the time spent here on the net.
I love you!
I have made many pages, many of them
informative, some just plain for fun; all
can be reached via my links page.
As you visit my pages, you will learn a great
deal about my interests and hobbies, as I
have included something about myself on each page.
Enjoy your visit!


The following poem means a great deal to me.
Many years ago, I happened to find it in the
attic of a relative that had passed on to a
better place. I really loved what it had to
say, and put it aside in a special place for
safekeeping. Several years later, after I had gone
through rehab for alcoholism, the poem
seemed to take on new meaning for me.
As I began a life free from alcohol, I felt
as though I was beginning a brand new life;
hence, the title for this page: New Beginnings.
I'd like to think that this poem will hold as
much meaning to you, as it does for me!

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The Land of Beginning Again

Won't you travel with me on the highway of life?
Down the road of Forgive and Forget
That leads to the Land of Beginning Again
Where old friends are better friends yet.

I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called the Land of Beginning Again
Where all of our mistakes, and all of our heartaches,
And all of our poor, selfish grief
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door
And never be put on again.

I wish we might come on it all unaware,
Like a hunter who finds a lost trail
And I wish that the one whom our blindness had done
The greatest injustice of all,
Could be at the gates like an old friend
Who waits for the comrade he's gladdest to hail?

We'd find all the things we intended to do
But forgot and remembered too late
Little praises unspoken, little promises broken,
And all the thousand and one little duties neglected
That might have perfected the day for one less fortunate.

It wouldn't be possible not to be kind in that
Land of Beginning again
For the ones we misjudged, and the ones we grudged
Their moments of victory here
Would find in the grasp of our loving hand clasp
More than penitent lip could explain.

And what had seemed hardest, we'd find had been best,
And what had seemed loss, had been gain.
For there isn't a thing that will not take wing
If you face it and laugh it away.
And I think that the laughter is most what we're after
In that Land of Beginning Again

So I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called the Land of Beginning Again
Where all of our mistakes and all of our heartaches
And all of our poor, selfish grief,
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door
And never be put on again.

~By Louise Fletcher Tarkington~

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Please visit my links page:
There, you will find links
to crafts, gardening, recipes,
kids pages, inspirational, and much more!
Please enjoy your visit!

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I am pleased to have won a number of awards for this
page, though I have since changed the design, etc.


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